Hallo all,

I have 3 cpu nodes and 1 gpu node in our cluster. As a default, the
projects should deploy to the cpu nodes and only when specified to the
gpu nodes. I added `defaultNodeSelector: "graphic=cpu"` to the
projectConfig section in master-config.yaml to achieve this purpose. The
problem now when i create a deploymentConfig and assign it to the gpu
node using node selector, I get the error `pod node label selector
conflicts with its project node label selector`.
I tried removing the defaultNodeSelector line and added
`nodeSelectorLabelBlacklist: - graphic=gpu` to the PodNodeConstraints
section in master-config.yaml but this did not work at all. Despite this
config the pods of the default projects got scheduled to the gpu node :/

Does any body has an Idee how to achieve such stuff?


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