You have two master nodes? You'ld rather go with 1 or 3. With 2 masters,
your etcd quorum is 2. If you lose a master, the API would be unavailable.

Now ... c5-xlarge should be fine.
Not sure why your console doesn't show everything (and not familiar with
that dashboard yet). as a wild guess, probably some delay collecting
metrics. Though you should see something, eventually.

If you use "oc describe node <node-name>", you should see the reservations
(requests & limits) for that node.
Might be able to figure out what's eating up your resources.

Depending on what openshift components you're deploying, you may already be
using quite a lot.
Especially if you don't have infra nodes, and did deploy EFK and/or
hawkular/cassandra. Prometheus could use some resources as well.
Meanwhile, istio itself can ship with more or less components, ...

If using EFK: you may be able to lower resources requests/limits for
If using Hawkular: same remark regarding Cassandra
Hard to say, without seeing it. But you can probably free up some resources
here and there.

Good luck,


On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 1:47 PM Just Marvin <> wrote:

> Samuel,
>     So it is CPU. But, I destroyed the cluster, gave it machines with
> twice as much memory, retried and got the same problem:
> Events:
>   Type     Reason            Age                  From
> Message
>   ----     ------            ----                 ----
> -------
>   Warning  FailedScheduling  16s (x4 over 3m12s)  default-scheduler  0/4
> nodes are available: 2 Insufficient cpu, 2 node(s) had taints that the pod
> didn't tolerate.
>     I'm guessing that the two pods with taints are the two master nodes,
> but the other two are c5-xlarge machines. But here is maybe a relevant
> observation. As soon as I log into the cluster, I see this on my main
> dashboard.
> [image: image.png]
>     Is there perhaps a problem with the CPU resource monitoring that is
> causing my problems?
> Regards,
> Marvin
> On Sun, Oct 6, 2019 at 3:52 PM Samuel Martín Moro <>
> wrote:
>> you can use "oc describe pod <pod-name>", to figure out what's going on
>> with your pod.
>> could be that you're out of cpu/memory.
>> Regards.
>> On Sun, Oct 6, 2019 at 9:27 PM Just Marvin <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> [zaphod@oc3027208274 ocp4.2-aws]$ oc get pods
>>> NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
>>> istio-citadel-7cb44f4bb-tccql     1/1     Running   0          9m35s
>>> istio-galley-75599dbc67-b4mgx     1/1     Running   0          8m41s
>>> istio-policy-56476c984b-c7t8j     0/2     *Pending*   0          8m23s
>>> istio-telemetry-d5bbd7d7b-v8kjq   0/2     *Pending*   0          8m24s
>>> jaeger-5d9dfdfb67-mv8mp           2/2     Running   0          8m45s
>>> prometheus-685bdbdc45-hmb9f       2/2     Running   0          9m17s
>>> [zaphod@oc3027208274 ocp4.2-aws]$
>>>     The pods in Pending state don't seem to be moving forward. The
>>> operator logs aren't showing anything informative about why this might be.
>>> Is this normal, or if there is a problem, and if so, how would I figure out
>>> the cause?
>>> Regards,
>>> Marvin
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>> --
>> Samuel Martín Moro
>> {EPITECH.} 2011
>> "Nobody wants to say how this works.
>>  Maybe nobody knows ..."
>>                       Xorg.conf(5)

Samuel Martín Moro
{EPITECH.} 2011

"Nobody wants to say how this works.
 Maybe nobody knows ..."
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