On Sat, Dec 14, 2019, 10:04 PM Just Marvin <
marvin.the.cynical.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>     I'm able to use port-forwarding to verify that my service is
> functioning properly.
> curl -v -u abcd:abcd@ -H "Accept: application/json" --cookie-jar
> cookie-jar --cookie cookie-jar
> http://localhost:9080/session-song-demo/sing/song?seen=47

Try adding --header "host: song-demo.apps-crc.testing" to your curl command.

> * About to connect() to localhost port 9080 (#0)
> *   Trying ::1...
> * Connected to localhost (::1) port 9080 (#0)
> * Server auth using Basic with user 'abcd'
> > GET /session-song-demo/sing/song?seen=47 HTTP/1.1
> > Authorization: Basic YWJjZDphYmNkQA==
> > User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> > Host: localhost:9080
> > Cookie:
> JSESSIONID=0001cbGiUXt_VtxdTW9Xa8c1W_s:c5f5e43e-3adb-4a42-bf12-e67265711b02;
> LtpaToken2=IL+wSFBcnsOi9+fpHR8PgzJak7eRwRAPoSdHPRZoSjJuSMA11/DKqYA8Lld79i5LB6j51ihR5OqXKifGQAxC3t70aQxRWH2y2xqS7L+lairHAAu86QARt2OzYDX39FA/N8IPwcCJOwlm0Z89ZClks7PEQmy0csAV+CTo4uHIiZu9CY1kOfp2oH9Q9H3KkTZQGLHNKmwBF41BXmWtSwc6AvNbbDL6kuFjAi+Ahui8QjBAPKAIMb7Z4PKMdhwkzMKUObgS6iBAy7tHeQMknrmolzRpmz00mpfjVQvkzKNzvL9VZ74a27MC0vRM5N185nCr
> > Accept: application/json
> >
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < X-Powered-By: Servlet/4.0
> < Content-Type: application/json
> < Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 07:39:35 GMT
> < Content-Language: en-US
> < Content-Length: 33
> <
> * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
> {"count":43,"name":"nightingale"}
>     However, when trying to get at this service through a route, it gives
> me the catch-all router error page:
> [image: image.png]
>     Here is the route definition:
> zaphod@oc6010654212 session-song-demo]$ oc describe route song-demo
> Name: song-demo
> Namespace: session-persistence
> Created: 43 hours ago
> Labels: app=song-demo
> app.kubernetes.io/component=song-demo
> app.kubernetes.io/instance=song-demo
> Annotations: <none>
> Requested Host: song-demo.apps-crc.testing
>  exposed on router default (host apps-crc.testing) 43 hours ago
> Path: <none>
> TLS Termination: <none>
> Insecure Policy: <none>
> Endpoint Port: 9080-tcp
> Service: song-demo
> Weight: 100 (100%)
> Endpoints:,
> [zaphod@oc6010654212 session-song-demo]$
>     I've been through numerous variations without much success, and the
> logs of the router in openshift-ingress aren't showing anything
> significant. Is there a way to troubleshoot this and find out whats going
> wrong?
> Regards,
> Marvin
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