Hello Bogdan,

An ven., déc 18, 2009, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb:
>It is not really a hack :) .... i tend to think this number vary
>from OS to OS, from server to server .....like how slow the write
>ops take place - on some system is faster, on other is not.....
What I'm not understanding is the basic principle, why even a single
retry is needed. I can imagine that with a slightly different design
the topic of 'guessing' the right retry ceiling is completely
unnecessary. Do you understand more about these TLS retries,
and does it have to do with TCP primarily or code in the OpenSSL

>maybe we should simply increase the default number to cover also
>the slow cases.
I disagree. You said yourself that 'this number varies' so lets do
what we always do with such variables, and put it in the config.


  disable_tls       = 0
  tls_method        = TLSv1
  tls_maxretries    = 3200  # New variable

Its not nice of course always stuffing up the config and OpenSIPS
architecture with new variables, but if there's no design based
solution to this then it seems better that way than hard coding
such runtime variable deep into the core.


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