
On 22/12/09 10:30 AM, Darshak Modi wrote:
> Ok. But in config.ini, I have only radius based accounting.
> [Database]
> ; This section needs to be configured if database accounting is enabled
> ; Database URI in the form: scheme://user:passw...@host/database
> ;dburi = mysql://mediaproxy:mediapr...@localhost/mediaproxy
> Do I need to enable this?

Yes, the radius accounting just adds a few attributes, but if you want 
the whole media session information displayed in CDRTool (the media 
trace) you need to enable the database backend, and MediaProxy itself 
will generate the database for you.

> AND in CDRTool-global.inc I have to set the username/pass as specified
> above?
> class DB_mediaproxy extends DB_Sql {
>    var $Host     = "sipdb";
>    var $Database = "mediaproxy";
>    var $User     = "mediaproxy";
>    var $Password = "mediaproxy";
>    var $Halt_On_Error ="yes";
> }

Yes, you need to specify a user which an access the database in which 
the media_sessions table is.


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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