Hi Brian,

A correction I'm using the 1.6.0 version i downloaded it from

Using the 1.6.0 version I removed the dialplan module from the script and
Opensips started properly, after that i updated the opensips to the 1.6.1
version, but in the 1.6.1 it stop when initiating the drouting module (log

Dec 23 15:48:03 asouza-laptop opensips[24702]: INFO:dialog:mod_init: Dialog
module - initializinger
Dec 23 15:48:03 asouza-laptop opensips[24702]: NOTICE:signaling:mod_init:
initializing module ...
Dec 23 15:48:03 asouza-laptop opensips[24702]: INFO:drouting:dr_init:
Dynamic-Routing - initializing

I rolledback the version to 1.6.0, but i need dialplan module running in my

There are some other level of logs to activate, to try to understand what is

Regarding the permission module Warnings, I am using the permissions module
with the database, because this i did'nt configure the permission files.

Thank you very much,

Antonio Anderson M. Souza
Voice Technology

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 2:59 PM, <opensipsl...@encambio.com> wrote:

> Hello Antonio,
> An mer., déc 23, 2009, Antonio Anderson M. de Souza schrieb:
> >I've installed the Opensips 1.6.1 on my Ubuntu 9.10 64bits form the
> >source, the installation was done without any problem.
> >
> >Opensips abnormally stops during the initialization of Dialplan
> >module (follows logs bellow)
> >
> >Dec 23 13:38:30 asouza-laptop opensips[7233]: NOTICE:core:main: version:
> opensips 1.6.0-notls (x86_64/linux)
> >[...]
> >Dec 23 13:38:30 asouza-laptop opensips[7233]:
> WARNING:permissions:parse_config_file: file not found:
> /usr/local/etc/opensips/permissions.allow
> >[...]
> >*Dec 23 13:38:30 asouza-laptop opensips[7233]: INFO:dialplan:mod_init:
> initializing module...*
> >
> >The bold line is the last line before the process terminates, but
> >there are no error in the initialization process.
> >
> >Does somebody has some clue about thie problem?
> >
> What happens if you don't use the dialplan, does the process still
> terminate in the same place?
> And is the string '1.6.0' an error in your logs or are you sure that
> you've compiled the latest release (1.6.1)? I seem to remember that
> the debian unstable repository had a problem with version numbers
> for a day or so, maybe you really are using the latest release.
> Lastly (but probably unimportant) you might first get rid of the
> warning message. If you are using the permissions module then
> configure it correctly by placing the file 'permissions.allow'
> where OpenSIPS expects it.
> Regards,
> Brian
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