Hi Anca,

On 18.11.2010, at 14:31, Anca Vamanu wrote:

> Hi John,
> On 11/15/2010 05:34 PM, John Khvatov wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I'm testing performance of OpenSIPS presence server. I got bad results... 
>> Any ideas how to improve it?
>> [skiped]
> Yes, this is not a good result .. the reason is that presence processing is 
> quite costly - it requires querying the database all the time - because the 
> Publish information is not stored in memory (the bodies might be very large). 
> So probably the conclusion of your tests is that if you want more then 100 
> cps, you should use a cluster of presence servers :) .

Сlearly. Thanks.

But what about cluster of presence servers? Architecture with shared database 
and presence servers with enabled fallback2db option? In this case OpenSIPS for 
each request will do query to database because local cache may be expired. As 
result we have overloaded database and slow presence servers..

WBR, John Khvatov

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