Hey All
Ok so this is not an issue; but some of you may run into this so I'm
updating myself.

imuxsock in rsyslog was rate-limiting my messaging. Basically since the
xlogs were too fast to rsyslog, it just stopped reporting them. imuxsock
reports this error, but that report goes into the main syslog, and not the
directed opensips.log I had configured. So I had no idea it was happening
until I started to poke around.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:05 PM, Brett Nemeroff <br...@nemeroff.com> wrote:

> Hello List,
> OpenSIP 1.8.2 v9777
> I'm using avp_db_query to pull a cursor with a few  hundred rows. I think
> loop over the results pulling the field in with this syntax
> $(avp(someval)[$var(i)])
> This works great for 196 rows. Then it just dies. It doesn't process any
> more rows. No process death that I can see. I do this in a timer route and
> this is causing future items that also run in the timer route to not run
> (like additional avp_db_query processes).
> Has anyone else seen this?
> Thanks,
> Brett
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