
My opensips daemon is nor starting with my server; i'm using Debian 7
and *OpenSIPS

*root@opencomm01:/etc/init.d# cat /etc/issue
> Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l*

I've done the following:

*root@opencomm01:/etc/init.d# update-rc.d opensips defaults 99
> perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
> perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
> LANGUAGE = (unset),
> LC_ALL = (unset),
> LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8",
> LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
>     are supported and installed on your system.
> perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
> update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing*

i can see also the following:

*root@opencomm01:/etc/init.d# ls -la /etc/rc3.d/
> **total 12
> **drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Aug 28 21:20 .
> **drwxr-xr-x 78 root root 4096 Aug 28 23:15 ..
> **lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   18 Aug 28 21:20 S03opensips ->
> ../init.d/opensips
> *

But is not starting; i can see the following error messages:

*root@opencomm01:/etc/init.d# tail -f /var/log/opensips.log
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> INFO:maxfwd:mod_init: initializing...
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> INFO:sipmsgops:mod_init: initializing...
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_connect: driver error(2002): Can't connect to local
> MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_new_connection: initial connect failed
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> ERROR:core:db_do_init: could not add connection to the pool
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> ERROR:uri:mod_init: Could not connect to database
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> ERROR:core:init_mod: failed to initialize module uri
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> ERROR:core:main: error while initializing modules
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 /usr/local/opensips_proxy/sbin/opensips[3060]:
> INFO:core:cleanup: cleanup
> Aug 28 23:15:26 opencomm01 opensips: INFO:core:daemonize: pre-daemon
> process exiting with -1*

Hope you can help

Thanks so much
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