Hi Markus,

You DB config and pear modules look just fine.
I've just made some tests. I try to make a mistake in my DB config and I get this:

Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/alex/_work/opensips_cp_full/opensips-cp-code/branches/6.0/config/db.inc.php on line 25 Fatal error: Call to undefined method MDB2_Error::setFetchMode() in /home/alex/_work/opensips_cp_full/opensips-cp-code/branches/6.0/web/db_connect.php on line 31

Try to editing the file : /var/www/opensips-cp/web/db_connect.php and make it look like this :

        global $config;
$dsn = $config->db_driver.'://' . $config->db_user.':'.$config->db_pass . '@' . $config->db_host . '/'. $config->db_name.'';
        $link = & MDB2::connect($dsn);
if(PEAR::isError($link)) {
            die("Error while connecting : " . $link->getMessage());
        if(PEAR::isError($link)) {
            die("Error while connecting : " . $link->getMessage());

This will give you some extra information why the connection is not working.

If you do not get any relevant information, for example I have altered the DB name on purpose and I get "Error while connecting : MDB2 Error: no such database", please try checking for selinux policy.

Just do a "setenforce 0" as root and check again if you still experience the issue. If you don't then it's selinux.

I hope this will solve your problem.

Alex Ionescu

I just made some tests. If I do a
On 01/12/2015 02:11 PM, Markus Klaus Schäffauer wrote:

this is the relevant part of my /var/www/opensips-cp/config/db.inc.php :


  //database driver mysql or pgsql
  $config->db_driver = "mysql";

  //database host
  $config->db_host = "localhost";

  //database port - leave empty for default
  $config->db_port = "";

  //database connection user
  $config->db_user = "root";

  //database connection password
  $config->db_pass = "opensipsrw";

  //database name
  $config->db_name = "opensips";

  if (!empty($config->db_port) ) $config->db_host = $config->db_host .
":" . $config->db_port;


And this is what "pear list" is listing:

Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package           Version State
Archive_Tar       1.3.12  stable
Auth              1.6.2   stable
Auth_SASL         1.0.4   stable
Console_Getopt    1.3.1   stable
HTTP_Request2     2.1.1   stable
Log               1.12.8  stable
MDB2              2.5.0b5 beta
MDB2_Driver_mysql 1.5.0b4 beta
Mail              1.2.0   stable
Mail_Mime         1.8.4   stable
Mail_mimeDecode   1.5.5   stable
Net_LDAP2         2.0.9   stable
Net_SMTP          1.6.1   stable
Net_Socket        1.0.9   stable
Net_URL           1.0.15  stable
Net_URL2          2.0.0   stable
PEAR              1.9.5   stable
Structures_Graph  1.0.4   stable
XML_Util          1.2.3   stable


Is that MDB2_Driver_mysql wrong here?

As I told before, I am not able to get pear/MDB2#mysql:

pear install MDB2#mysql
Skipping package "pear/MDB2", already installed as version 2.5.0b5
No valid packages found
install failed

I have no idea why pear does not find any valid packages of MDB2#mysql.

With kind regards,

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