Hi Markus,

I know that this may sound awkward but, are you sure your database credentials are correct? It is not actually saying that the connection failed, it just said that you've got no access.

Print all the $dsn variable used to connect - it is above the code you have inserted yesterday. Check it to be correct. Please try using a different mysql server, on another machine. The only thing you need in order to login is the ocp_admin_privileges table, so no need to deploy all OpenSIPS DB just for testing this.

I am guessing that you have a redhad based operating system, and pretty often the Pear mdb2 mysql driver installs differently. But that doesn't seem to be your issue. If you say selinux is not blocking your connection to the DB (by the way, have you checked that?). If you have a Debian based operating system please try to see if apparmor is not blocking your connection to the DB.

Also, check your local firewall (iptables rules). Do a ngrep trage on the mysql listening port and see if it is being reached by OCP.

Eventually if none of these works you could try deploying CP on a different operating system ?

Best regards,
Alex Ionescu

On 01/13/2015 10:33 AM, Markus Klaus Schäffauer wrote:

I changed the name of the database opensips to ___opensips.

The message I got after trying to login is still the same:

"Error while connecting : MDB2 Error: connect failed"

Isn't this substantiating my suspicion that the MDB2-driver is wrong?


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