Any thought guys? Why contact address change in transit? is it normal?

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Satish Patel <> wrote:

> Very interesting thing going on between opensips and my client [UA]
> Opensips sending following contact header to Client but on client side i
> check it received different contact header, who is changing it?
> [UA]-----[Opensips]------[FS]
> UA - 173.xx.xx.xx.215
> Opensips - 182.xx.xx.164:5060
> FS - 182.xx.xx.162:5061
> My UA behind the NAT and I have ALG disabled on router.
> * [Opensips] sending following packet SDP OK 200 to [UA]
> 2015/04/08 07:42:22.820354 182.xx.xx.164:5060 -> 173.xx.xx.215:49152
> SIP/2.0 200 OK
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 173.xx.xx.215:49152;received=173.xx.xx.215;rport=49152;
> branch=z9hG4bKPjHB6245E6-SpIsEUs.kPIxxNAFMM0HTDo
> Record-Route: <sip:182.xx.xx.164;lr;ftag=OdSDiepaL9YssVLqOv.
> 3C82QrrsrrdUV;did=3fd.556edf93>
> CSeq: 722 INVITE
> Contact: <sip:1646327x...@182.xx.xx.162:5061;transport=udp>
> * [UA] Received following packet, look at Contact:  it changed here. 162
> to 164.
> U 182.xx.xx.164:5060 ->
> IP/2.0 200 OK.
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 173.xx.xx.215:49152;received=;rport=49152;
> branch=z9hG4bKPjHB6245E6-SpIsEUs.kPIxxNAFMM0HTDo.
> Record-Route: <sip:182.xx.xx.164:5060;lr;ftag=OdSDiepaL9YssVLqOv.
> 3C82QrrsrrdUV;did=3fd.556edf93>.
> CSeq: 722 INVITE.
> Contact: <sip:1646327x...@182.xx.xx.164:5061;transport=udp>.
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