Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for the response!

I grabbed the update and you are correct, its trying to update an entry that 
doesnt exist within the location table.

We will dig into the database side!



From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bog...@opensips.org>
Sent: 17 October 2017 08:11
To: OpenSIPS users mailling list; Jonathan Hunter
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] opensips version 2.2 -Cache and location table 
out of sync for particular registrations.

Hi Jonathan,

If you see the state transition from DIRTY to SYNC, it means the INSERT / 
UPDATE into DB was successful from the OpenSIPS perspective.

What you can do :

1) ngrep to traffic between OpenSIPS and DB server to see if the query is 
actually pushed

2) run "opensipsctl fifo ul_sync" to force re-writing the whole DB content 
based on mem cache:
usrloc Module - 
How the contacts are matched (for same AOR - Address of Record) is an important 
aspect of the usrloc modules, especialy in the context of NAT traversal - this 
raise ...

   Sometimes, if for whatever reasons the original INSERT was lost at DB level, 
any sequential UPDATE(s), even if successful, will have no effect on the DB 


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
  OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

Home — OpenSIPS Solutions<http://www.opensips-solutions.com/>
OpenSIPS is a mature Open Source implementation of a SIP server. OpenSIPS is 
more than a SIP proxy/router as it includes application-level functionalities.

On 10/16/2017 08:27 PM, Jonathan Hunter wrote:
Hi Guys,

I have an interesting issue and wondered if anyone else has seen this issue.

We have a user who is registered with the platform and can make and receive 
calls, however the registration is only ever in the cache, it is not being 
populated in the location table.

When I check its state I can see it registered, and I see its state go from 
CS_DIRTY, to CS_SYNC as it re-registers;

opensipsctl ul show 02033279460@sip.provider<mailto:02033279460@sip.provider>
AOR:: 02033279460
        Contact:: sip:02033279460@WANIP:5060 Q=
                Expires:: 266
                Cseq:: 11070
                User-agent:: Asterisk PBX
                State:: CS_DIRTY
                Flags:: 0
                Socket:: udp:91.X.X.X:5060
                Methods:: 4294967295

opensipsctl ul show 02033279460@sip.provider<mailto:02033279460@sip.provider>
AOR:: 02033279460
        Contact:: sip:02033279460@WANIP:5060 Q=
                Expires:: 224
                Cseq:: 11070
                User-agent:: Asterisk PBX
                State:: CS_SYNC
                Flags:: 0
                Socket:: udp:91.X.X.X:5060
                Methods:: 4294967295

However it isn't contained within the location table, even though other 
registrations are contained in both, as we have the following set;

modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "DBURL")
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode",   2)
modparam("usrloc", "timer_interval", 60)

I have tried to reproduce the issue but cant seem to, the REGISTER message 
being sent looks like the below;

Request-Line: REGISTER sip:sip.provider SIP/2.0
    Message Header
        Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 91.X.X.X:5060;branch=z9hG4bK-25033-1-3
        Max-Forwards: 70
        From: <sip:02033279460@sip.provider><sip:02033279460@sip.provider>;tag=1
        To: <sip:02033279460@sip.provider><sip:02033279460@sip.provider>
        Call-ID: 1-25033@91.X.X.X<mailto:1-25033@91.X.X.X>
        CSeq: 8 REGISTER
        Supported: replaces, timer
        User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
        Authorization: Digest 
        Expires: 120
        Contact: sip:02033279460@91.X.X.X:5060
        Content-Length: 0

Note its send the Auth header in initial REGISTER before the 401 challenge.

Does anyone have any tips please on where the issue might be or how best to 
trouble-shoot on a busy live platform?

Many thanks!


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