Hello there

I'm having an issue with placing external calls.
I can register softphones and place calls between them fine, but have failed in 
the next step which is to hook up to my SBC(working) to call the outside world.
On Opensips my interfaces (with fictional IP's are: ENS160
( is my Public IP that points to LAN for my 
softphones to register via) ENS224(this communicates with an interface on my SBC

so  a call path will be:>>>172.

Im sure it has to do with the interface presented to my SBC which currently 
shows as extn111@
the call hits my SBC but no further, or my routing set up.
I want to force the call to be 111@ but not sure how to.
I have experimented with domains and routing but as a new Opensipper im 
guessing a lot of it and trying to read online too but not much out there that 
If someone can offer some examples of Dynamic routing or anything that would 
help that would be great.

Many Thanks

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