Hi Pasan,

You could have another OpenSIPS instance that exposes the service IP, in front of the 2 clustered HA nodes. Calls would first land on this box and then would be dispatched to one of the 2 floating IPs. You could for example hash over the From tag or Callid in order to send to the same IP.


Vlad Patrascu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 01.03.2018 03:21, Pasan Meemaduma via Users wrote:
Hi Vlad,

Thanks for your response. I think I'll have to wait until 2.4 transaction replication come in to action if I am to go with anycast ip. I didn't understand how it would solve with 2 moveable ips. how do i make sure dialog will tie to a particular ip ?

On Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 17:04, Vlad Patrascu <vl...@opensips.org> wrote:

Yes, you are correct, this is currently a limitation. But it could also work in an "active/active" sort of setup if you have 2 movable IPs and each dialog is tied to one of the IPs. Full anycast support though is coming up in OpenSIPS 2.4.
Vlad Patrascu
OpenSIPS Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.com <http://www.opensips-solutions.com/>
On 28.02.2018 04:46, Pasan Meemaduma via Users wrote:
Hi Vlad,

On a second thought its how anycast should work, packets could get to the closest node so basically with 2.3.3 we can't replicate transactions across mulitple opensips servers ? dialog replication  would only work for an active/passive setup doesn't it ?

On Wednesday, 28 February 2018, 7:36, Pasan Meemaduma via Users <users@lists.opensips.org> <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org> wrote:

Hi Vlad,

That explains the issue then, my sip listener ip is an anycast one, and for some weired reason replies for INVITE that leaves node2 receive by node1 hence it can't create the dialog. I checked with node2 being down and recovered and calls init via node1 always received final reply hence dialog replication works. So it means my anycast configuration is broken right ? Thanks for you time to look in to it.

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018, 21:42, Vlad Patrascu <vl...@opensips.org> <mailto:vl...@opensips.org> wrote:

Hi Pasan,
I don't see anything in the logs or your cluster configuration which could indicate that the dialogs don't replicate. Are you sure that the problem is consistently reproducible and that the INVITE for the call in question receives a final reply? Dialogs are replicated when they get to the confirmed state, and judging from the logs, this doesn't appear to be happening for that call.
Vlad Patrascu
OpenSIPS Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.com <http://www.opensips-solutions.com/>
On 27.02.2018 04:15, Pasan Meemaduma via Users wrote:
Hi Vlad,

I have sent you the full debug logs as requested. Also clusterer_list mi command gives following output when dialog replication stopped working.

node1>>opensipsctl fifo clusterer_list
Cluster:: 1
        Node:: 2 DB_ID=5 URL=bin: Enabled=1 Link_state=Up Next_hop=2 Description=Node 2

 node2>> opensipsctl fifo clusterer_list
Cluster:: 1
        Node:: 1 DB_ID=4 URL=bin: Enabled=1 Link_state=Up Next_hop=1 Description=Node 1

On Monday, 26 February 2018, 18:02, Vlad Patrascu <vl...@opensips.org> <mailto:vl...@opensips.org> wrote:

Can you send the full logs for both nodes from the time that node1 restarts onwards? Also, what is the output of 'clusterer_list' mi command on the instances?
Vlad Patrascu
OpenSIPS Developer
http://www.opensips-solutions.com <http://www.opensips-solutions.com/>
On 26.02.2018 08:38, Pasan Meemaduma via Users wrote:
Hi Guys,

Its me again :). I'm using dialog replication in opensips 2.3.3 and it appears it doesn't work after a node goes down and come back online. The recovered node
doesn't seems to receiving dialog info via binary interface.

I have node1 and node2 with dialog replication on. everything works fine and if I shutdown node1 and bring it back online after a while
node2 doesn't send new call dialog info via binary interface.

I have attach the debug trace from both nodes, if you need anything else let me know. I'm also using an anycast ip as the service ip.

on node2 for new call

Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:build_new_dlg: new dialog 0x7f188afd3bf8 (c=ktQ0Pkdwz50qGYjED6Brpw..,f=sip:XXXXXXXXX@somedomain;transport=UDP,t=sip:+YYYYYYYYYYY@somedomain;transport=UDP,ft=2b161508) on hash 2317 Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:init_leg_info: route_set , contact sip:XXXXXXXXX@;transport=UDP <mailto:sip:XXXXXXXXX@;transport=UDP>, cseq 2 and bind_addr udp: Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:dlg_add_leg_info: set leg 0 for 0x7f188afd3bf8: tag=<2b161508> rcseq=<0> Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:link_dlg: ref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 3 -> 3 in h_entry 0x7f188afc3828 - 2317 Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:new_dlg_val: inserting <exe-callid>=<45ad4c76-1abe-11e8-9410-831894b67d0c> Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onreq: t hash_index = 47425, t label = 2069082013 Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:dlg_update_contact: Updated dialog 0x7f188afd3bf8 contact to <sip:XXXXXXXXX@;transport=UDP> <mailto:sip:XXXXXXXXX@;transport=UDP> Feb 26 17:28:35 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4703]: DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 1 -> 2 in entry 0x7f188afc3828 Feb 26 17:28:52 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4702]: DBG:dialog:ref_dlg: ref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 1 -> 3 Feb 26 17:28:52 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4702]: DBG:dialog:ref_dlg: ref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 1 -> 4 Feb 26 17:28:52 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4702]: DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 1 -> 3 in entry 0x7f188afc3828 Feb 26 17:28:56 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 1 -> 2 in entry 0x7f188afc3828 Feb 26 17:29:05 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: dialog 0x7f188afd3bf8 changed from state 1 to state 5, due event 4 Feb 26 17:29:05 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onreply: dialog 0x7f188afd3bf8 failed (negative reply) Feb 26 17:29:05 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 1 -> 1 in entry 0x7f188afc3828 Feb 26 17:29:11 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: dialog 0x7f188afd3bf8 changed from state 5 to state 5, due event 1 Feb 26 17:29:11 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 with 1 -> 0 in entry 0x7f188afc3828 Feb 26 17:29:11 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: ref <=0 for dialog 0x7f188afd3bf8 Feb 26 17:29:11 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroying dialog 0x7f188afd3bf8 Feb 26 17:29:11 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4711]: DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list - dlg 0x7f188afd3bf8 [2317:677053409] with clid 'ktQ0Pkdwz50qGYjED6Brpw..' and tags '2b161508' 'NULL'

on node1

Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: route param is 'd09.1e30b582' (len=12) Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: no dialog id=677053409 found on entry 2317 Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: unable to find dialog for BYE with route param 'd09.1e30b582' Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15822]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: route param is 'd09.1e30b582' (len=12) Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15822]: DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: no dialog id=677053409 found on entry 2317 Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15822]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: unable to find dialog for BYE with route param 'd09.1e30b582' Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15822]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: route param is 'd09.1e30b582' (len=12) Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15822]: DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: no dialog id=677053409 found on entry 2317 Feb 26 17:28:41 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15822]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: unable to find dialog for BYE with route param 'd09.1e30b582' Feb 26 17:28:42 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: route param is 'd09.1e30b582' (len=12) Feb 26 17:28:42 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: no dialog id=677053409 found on entry 2317 Feb 26 17:28:42 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: unable to find dialog for BYE with route param 'd09.1e30b582' Feb 26 17:28:42 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:dlg_onroute: route param is 'd09.1e30b582' (len=12) Feb 26 17:28:42 voip2-sip23a /usr/sbin/opensips[15820]: DBG:dialog:lookup_dlg: no dialog id=677053409 found on entry 2317

If I purposely take down node1 again and try to make a call I can see that it indicates the failure to replicate dialog info on the cluster as below,

Feb 26 17:27:01 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4701]: ERROR:dialog:replicate_dialog_updated: All destinations in cluster: 1 are down or probing Feb 26 17:27:01 voip2-sip23b /usr/sbin/opensips[4701]: ERROR:dialog:replicate_dialog_updated: Failed to replicate updated dialog

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