Hi all,

I have, after many week,  successfully manage to use the opensips xmpp gateway 
using pua_xmpp module.

I have followed this simple configuration file:


My original goal is to monitor by an xmpp client that add in roster list the 
SIP phone every call received by the phone and show the original caller number.

For xmpp server I have used a personalized version of prosody.

When pua_xmpp_req_winfo translate the SUBSCRIBE from a xmpp domain two 
active_watcher are inserted in the opensips table event: presence.winfo and 
presence (and not the dialog needed for entity information).

I can see all the presence status in xmpp client by the translation done 
thorught pua_xmpp_notify, but not the caller number since the notify generated 
is  a Presence Information Data Format (PIDF) and not a dialog-info event.

The problem is that only the presence event with pidf body are received and 
translated due the original subscription.

My ideal goal is to subscribe for the  "dialog-info" event when an account is 
added in xmpp roster list, but seems pua_xmpp_req_winfo is designed only for 
presence.winfo e presence sip event, and consequently pua_xmpp_notify translate 
and send to the gateway only this type of notify event.

I have misunderstood something or there is another  way to send the original 
caller of the watched extension?

Thank you for  all the gread job done and any help you can give to me.

Emiliano Olivier

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