
This is on OpenSIPS 2.4.5 from the apt.opensips.org repo.

I'm running mid_registrar in mode=0 with all parameters default.  The
REGISTER message comes from the client towards OpenSIPS with an
expires=3600 in the Contact.  I run mid_registrar_save("location") and
relay the REGISTER upstream to the main registrar with the same
expires=3600.  The main registrar responds with a 200 OK, with an
expires=600.  When OpenSIPS relays the 200 OK to the client, it rewrites
the expires to 3600.  OpenSIPS hangs onto the registration in usrloc for
3600, but the main registrar only for 600.

Am I missing something with mid_registrar's operation, or is this a bug?
How do I set OpenSIPS to honor the main registrar's expires value for its
own usrloc entry and relay that back to the client?

- Jeff
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