Hey Pete,

If you do an xlog on $fs after the lookup, what do you see there ?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 6/16/20 4:37 PM, Pete Kelly wrote:

I am running a Registrar in a natted location (AWS) which is currently accessed via a tls socket.

The listen parameter for the tls socket uses an alias to set the publicly advertised address, along the lines of:

listen=tls: <> AS tls: <>

however this public alias is also being set as the Socket when the AOR is stored in the usrloc module.

  "Socket": "tls: <>"

When I then do a lookup() on a registered user, it is failing to route as I believe the socket is being set to the public alias. It was working fine when there was no TLS involved.

Is there an obvious way I can try to fix this? (I've tried using force_send_socket(tls: <>) after the lookup, but that isn't helping either)


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