On 13.01.2021 15:24, Sunil More wrote:
I am using opensips 3.1.1 along with homer 7 and I could observe that logs are going to Homer with type as ERROR.

Here's opensips -V
version: opensips 3.1.1 (x86_64/linux)
git revision: 229ec0793
main.c compiled on 10:46:42 Jan  7 2021 with gcc 7


This has been fixed on Dec 10th [1], so you have 3 options:

* pull latest 3.1 source code and rebuild OpenSIPS
* install nightly 3.1 packages
* wait until 3.1.2 release

[1]: https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips/commit/2212865f19d


Liviu Chircu
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