On the second question: you cannot exclude. The only options are (1) use one partition or (2) use all partitions.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
OpenSIPS Summit 27-30 Sept 2022, Athens

On 9/11/22 12:36 AM, Marcin Groszek wrote:
drouting module:

use_next_gw() does not allow for wildcard in partition

How do I get a partition name to be used in use_next_gw() if first gateway fails?

Perhaps I should be little more specific. opensips version 3.1.5

multiple partitions, wild card is used in do_routing() but if specify gateway fails then I am unable to use use_next_gw() without knowing name of the partition. Is there a var that I can pull when 1st gateway fails to be used in use_next_gw(,,,"$avp(partition_name)")  ?

second question, how can I exclude partitions from wildcard in do_routing(), for now we use groupid do distinguish between routes. Can wild card such  "cus*" or "carrier*" be used as a wildcard, where  partition names would be cus_1, cus_2, cus3...carrier_1, carrier_2...

Wen we send the call to carrier I wish to search only "carrier*", if possible.

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