Hi, Prathibha!

This is the OpenSIPS mailing list - posting a RTPEngine error here without additional details of why you posted it and why this error is related to OpenSIPS is a bit out of context.

Before opening a new inquiry, please make your own research and describe in the email what are the steps you attempted to fix the issue, what work, what doesn't. People on this list are just here to help you, not do your work - please describe what was your work, so that we can help you investigate further.

Best regards,

Răzvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer / SIPhub CTO
http://www.opensips-solutions.com / https://www.siphub.com

On 8/31/23 11:29, Prathibha B wrote:
ERR: [http] libwebsockets: ERROR on binding fd 9 to port 2225 (-1 98)
Aug 31 08:27:33 ip-172-31-34-24 rtpengine[347912]: ERR: [http] libwebsockets: init server failed Aug 31 08:27:33 ip-172-31-34-24 rtpengine[347912]: ERR: [http] Failed to start websocket listener: LWS failed to create vhost Aug 31 08:27:33 ip-172-31-34-24 rtpengine[347912]: Fatal error: Failed to init websocket listener Aug 31 08:27:33 ip-172-31-34-24 rtpengine[347912]: CRIT: [core] Fatal error: Failed to init websocket listener Aug 31 08:27:33 ip-172-31-34-24 systemd[1]: ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/EXCEPTION Aug 31 08:27:33 ip-172-31-34-24 systemd[1]: ngcp-rtpengine-daemon.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. Aug 31 08:27:33 ip-172-31-34-24 systemd[1]: Failed to start NGCP RTP/media Proxy Daemon.


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