On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 12:49 -0700, Tianshu Li wrote:
> Dear PWSCF users and developers:
> In running post-processing pp.x, I got an error message  "    from 
> local_dos : error #         1
>      k must be zero" when calculating |psi|^2 for a non-zero K point. 
> I've searched the code "local_dos.F90" and find that the non-zero K 
> point does not seem to be allowed. Since there is a "kpoint" keyword in 
> the input list, I just wonder if the non-zero K point wavefunction 
> visualization has not been implemented yet. Thanks
You are using lsign=.true.. This option is implemented only at the
gamma point. 


> Tianshu Li
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