Hello ???, [no affiation, not even name;
 http://www.quantum-espresso.org/forum/#1.0, "Sign your post with your name and 

Adding to the comment of Ridwan Agbaoye, I also agree that I did not fully understand for what you meant; I would at least specify the units of the k points in the calculation of the bands. Maybe you mean why no symmetries are found to each band (or, all bands have the simple representation 'A'), or that there are no degeneracies in the bands?

To start with, did you look at the output of the self-consistent run? I tried your file (with reduced number of k points, to make it faster), and I see

      2 Sym. Ops., with inversion, found

I would have expected to see more, maybe there is a reason to that? Further down,

     Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):

     atom    1 type  2   force =     0.07295436    0.11942494   93.95848463
     atom    2 type  2   force =    -3.83545650    9.13148686  -74.40161511
     atom    3 type  2   force =    -0.07295436   -0.11942494  -93.95848463
     atom    4 type  2   force =     3.83545650   -9.13148686   74.40161511
     atom    5 type  1   force =     6.08077747  -11.27416034  -50.44274724
     atom    6 type  1   force =    -6.08077747   11.27416034   50.44274724

     Total force =   185.313058     Total SCF correction =     0.000351

     entering subroutine stress ...

          total   stress  (Ry/bohr**3)                   (kbar)     P=********
   1.36208034   0.77578489  -0.05878813     200368.90 114121.88  -8648.03
   0.77578489   2.34432579   0.10345704     114121.88 344862.17  15219.05
  -0.05878813   0.10345704   4.69893799      -8648.03  15219.05 691237.53

These are astronomically large values, something must be wrong in your structure. Did you try to visualise your initial structure? (keyword "XCrysDen", for example) They look wrong to me - maybe you got confused with the default units of the coordinates in 'pw.x'? Going to crystal coordinates looks more like it (there are also more symmetries, which usually means more physical structure). Still the atoms look to be very close - do you know what the units of length are when specifying 'celldm()'? I tend to use 'a'/'b'/'c' for this reason - even if the meaning of 'celldm(2:6)' is different.

Maybe those will help; after that I would still spend some time trying to understand what is the _expected_ symmetry group, and why you might have fewer symmetries than that (some further hint: "verbosity = 'high'" to have more output, also including longer output of the symmetry operations; and then the number of digits for the coordinates).

And after these exercises, I wonder why you have coordinates 0.36 for a kpoints - is quite close to 1/3 though... ;)

    Good Luck and Happy QE'ing,


PS^1 I still do not understand why people want to run hexagonal cell with laterally shifted k points in self-consistent calculations. :) Well, up to them

PS^2 I consider using "outdir = '.'" quite confusing, I would recommend you to use some specific directory (my favourite choice is './scratch/', which on computers with a dedicated/faster disc space is a symbolic link to that file system)

  Ari Paavo Seitsonen / ari.p.seitso...@iki.fi / http://www.iki.fi/~apsi/
    Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Département de Chimie, Paris
    Mobile (F) : +33 789 37 24 25    (CH) : +41 79 71 90 935

On Thu, 5 May 2016, mp...@ncsu.edu wrote:

I am trying to calculate the band structure of tungsten sulfide. Aattachments 
are my input files. I input these

    pw.x <ws2.cry.scf.in> ws2.cry.scf.out
    pw.x <ws2.cry.band.in> ws2.cry.band.out
    bands.x <ws2.cry.bands.in> ws2.cry.bands.out
I understand my k path in the second input file in not symmetric, and I am 
learning how to generate a symmetric path.
But to my surprise, the k points in file ws2cry.dat have nothing to do with the 
k points in the second input file. I
tried to modify the k points for both input files for multiple times, and I 
found the k points of ws2cry.dat depends on
the first input file only, with some additionally points generated by ESPRESSO 
to satisfy symmetry. Besides, there are
26 bands in ws2cry.dat, which is different from my setting where nbnd = 28.
I tried the band structure of fcc Cu before, and the k points in my dat file 
are identical with those in the band input
file. I do not understand why it does not work for ws2.
I am a beginner, and I really need your help. Please forgive me if you think my 
questions are too silly.
Thank you for your help, and I am really looking forward to your reply.


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