Hello Kondaiah,

if you type "make" it tells you what you can build 

* * * * * *     THIS IS A BETA RELEASE     * * * * * *

to install Quantum ESPRESSO, type at the shell prompt:
  ./configure [--prefix=]
  make [-j] target

where target identifies one or multiple CORE PACKAGES:
  pw           basic code for scf, structure optimization, MD
  ph           phonon code, Gamma-only and third-order derivatives
  pwcond       ballistic conductance
  neb          code for Nudged Elastic Band method
  pp           postprocessing programs
  pwall        same as "make pw ph pp pwcond neb"
  cp           CP code: CP MD with ultrasoft pseudopotentials
  tddfpt       time dependent dft code
  gwl          GW with Lanczos chains
  ld1          utilities for pseudopotential generation
  upf          utilities for pseudopotential conversion
  xspectra     X-ray core-hole spectroscopy calculations
  couple       Library interface for coupling to external codes
  gui          Graphical User Interface
  test-suite   Run semi-automated test-suite for regression testing
  all          same as "make pwall cp ld1 upf tddfpt"

where target is one of the following suite operation:
  doc          build documentation
  links        create links to all executables in bin/
  tar          create a tarball of the source tree
  tar-gui      create a standalone PWgui tarball from the GUI sources
  tar-qe-modes create a tarball for QE-modes (Emacs major modes for Quantum 
  clean        remove executables and objects
  veryclean    remove files produced by "configure" as well
  distclean    revert distribution to the original status

 THIRD-PARTIES PACKAGES are not supperted in this beta release

EPW and wannier90 are not included in this beta.

I will ament the QE-FORGE message with an explicit list.


On Aug 29, 2016, at 10:27 AM, Kondaiah Samudrala <konda.phys...@gmail.com> 
> Dear all,
> I found below error for installation of epw (make epw ) in QE-6.0-beta 
> version. can any one suggest me the way to install
> /mpif90 ../wannier_prog.F90  constants.o io.o utility.o parameters.o 
> hamiltonian.o overlap.o kmesh.o disentangle.o wannierise.o plot.o transport.o 
> /home/saint/Softwares/6.0/lapack-3.2/lapack.a 
> /home/saint/Softwares/6.0/BLAS/blas.a  -o ../../wannier90.x
> parameters.o: file not recognized: File truncated
> make[4]: *** [../../wannier90.x] Error 1
> make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/saint/Softwares/6.0/wannier90-2.0.1/src/obj'
> make[3]: *** [wannier] Error 2
> make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/saint/Softwares/6.0/wannier90-2.0.1'
> make[2]: *** [w90] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/saint/Softwares/6.0/install'
> make[1]: *** [w90] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/saint/Softwares/6.0'
> make: *** [wannier] Error 2
> PS: Also, some details/clarification on "band_plot" tool in epw update.
> with best regards
> S. Appalakondaiah
> Postdoctoral scholar
> South Korea

Filippo SPIGA ~ Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation ~ http://www.quantum-espresso.org

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