I do not think anything has been done that negatively affects speed of
execution. Before taking seriously any claim on increased or decreased
speed due to X, I want to see a "diff" of two runs made with different X
and all other conditions unchanged; plus a few different runs of the same
code yielding the same results and very close timings.


On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:09 PM, Francesco Pelizza <
francesco.peli...@strath.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Dear community,
> I have a question...Since the qe 6.0 release i started to use it, and I
> noticed a slow down for systems up to 48 atoms / 100 electrons running
> on few cores, and a speed up running upon more cores.
> I other words, taking as example an insulator polymer, set in its
> lattice with 96 electrons:
> using qe 5.4 on 8 threads takes 25-35% less time than qe 6.0
> that's generally true from scf, to vc-relax to bands and phonon or
> whatever calculations
> if I scale on servers or HPC I do not see slow down, and perhaps the qe
> 6.0 is in the average 10-15% faster.
> Was it expected to be so?
> Something changed in the way the system is fragmented across threads?
> BW
> Francesco Pelizza
> Strathclyde University
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