On 08/11/2017 16:03, Giuseppe Mattioli wrote:
> Dear Krishnendu Mukherjee
> Years ago Nicola Marzari posted to this mailing list a screenshot of
> his Nokia N-something cellphone with QE running (actually a 2-atoms Si
> bulk unit cell). Yes, you can run QE on a powerful dektop or even a
> laptop (possibly by using LINUX). 

Well, here it is - the full video!


If there is enough interest, I can post a video of the phonon
calculations - it's ~2 hours long, but every 10-20 minutes
something happens.


Prof Nicola Marzari, Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials, EPFL
Director, National Centre for Competence in Research NCCR MARVEL, EPFL
http://theossrv1.epfl.ch/Main/Contact http://nccr-marvel.ch/en/project
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