Thank all of you very much for your help.

Concerning what prof. Sitangshu suggestion: the raising of the cutoff over 
plane waves works, now I can recover the right 
(semi)quadratic dispersion for the acoustic out-of-plane phonons. I used 
smeared occupation because if not
effective charges are computed by ph.x, giving rise to the LO-TO splitting at 
long wavelength (it is just a workaround). 

I will try, as a double check, to use the lattice parameter of the bulk system, 
as prof. Paulatto suggested. 
Regarding the residual strain, of course it vanishes when I increase the cut 
off performing vc-relax from scratch. 
I guess this is why my results was not as I expected.

Finally my question about the possibility of obtain the correct LO behaviour at 
low q was related to the article
that prof. Marzari reported. I'm glad to know that the corrections will be 
implemented in the new version of the code.

Thank you very much again!

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