Hi Christoph,

a dual of 2 is cutting a lot of corners for norm-conserving pseudopotentials (where a dual of 4 is mathematically perfect,
and one of ~3 could actually work).

Convergence in the total energy for norm-conserving at dual of 4
is strictly variational, but also not very interesting as a criterion.

The phonon frequencies are an interesting criterion, but are not variational.

So, there is nothing fool proof - but a preponderance of evidence
helps feeling better - this is discussed at length here:


On 07/09/2018 10:43, Christoph Wolf wrote:
Dear all,

I am afraid that this is a very basic question but I will ask it anyway in the hopes of some pointers. I have recently studied the convergence behavior of a set (Mg and O) pseudos with respect to the phonon frequencies and I encounter a behavior that I quite not understand.

I study the convergence of total energy and the highest phonon frequency at q=(0.5,0.5,0.5). I vary the dual=ecutrho/ecutwfc=2,4,8.

for the norm-conserving pseudos (standard dual is 4 here) energy converges (monotonously) at a ecutwfc=50 irrespective of the dual. however the phonon frequency only converges (strongly non-monotonously, i.e. in a zig-zag pattern) if (i) ecutwfc=100 and dual 8 OR (ii)ecutwfc=200 and dual 4

for the PSLibrary 1.0.0 pseudos the total energy converges (monotonously) at ecutwfc=50 for all duals but interestingly so does the phonon frequency (in excellent agreement with the converged norm.-cons.!). Varying the dual from 2 to 8 leaves the phonon frequencies virtually unchanged. the suggested hardest cutoff for the pseudos (from the file) is Mg: 97/398 - higher than what I found.

Now I have read that for phonons and US/PAW often a dual of 8-12 is advised (I think the example is for metals not an insulator as MgO) but I was curious if there is any "fool proof" method to ensure the convergence whilst not risking falling in a "local minima" of a phonon frequency, for example?

Thanks for reading all the way down to hear, your help is greatly appreciated!


Postdoctoral Researcher
Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea

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