Dear Asad,

What is the benefit of using dipfield=.true.? Well, the benefit is that you get the correct electronic structure, energetics, and so on. As you want to simulate a 2D system with 3D boundary conditions this is the only correct way if you have an asymmetric system (in the z-direction, assuming the 2D system is in xy). Well, not the only correct way. Recently a Coulomb cutoff technique was implemented in QE, check input flag



P.S.: If you have a dipole in your system you'll see that properties (especially the total energy) will change with increasing vacuum region. If you increase it, you'll minimize the eigenfunction overlap between the repeated layers but the Coulomb interaction will never be zero and thus you can get wrong results - and
this will be worse for larger dipole, e.g., the flourinated graphene.

On 11/13/18 08:38, Asad Mahmood wrote:

I have a hexagonal graphene(or any other) monolayer and I hydrogenate(or flourinate, etc.) on the top surface only (single sided). Is there need to use flag dipfield = .true ? What is benefit or disadvantage of using this flag for optimization of L.C or bond length? I am using 20 angstrom vacuum between two layers to avoid mutual influence.

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