I have troubles installing quantum espresso to the Mac. I currently use the 
last version, I even used previous versions in linux. When I try to configure, 
it says you need Fortran compiler which is expensive in Mac, whereas it is free 
in linux.

Mehmets-MacBook-Pro:qe-6.3 ERDEM$ ./configure

checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0

checking ARCH... mac686

checking setting AR... ... ar

checking setting ARFLAGS... ... ruv

checking for gfortran... gfortran

checking whether the Fortran compiler works... no

configure: error: in `/Users/ERDEM/Downloads/qe-6.3':

configure: error: Fortran compiler cannot create executables

See `config.log' for more details

How can I install on Mac?


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