Dear community,

I have got a question of the produced k-point numbers in the QE program.
When I use kpoints.x, I have obtain below results;

     *                                                 *
     *       Welcome to the special points world!      *
     *________________________________________________ *
     *    1 = cubic p (sc )      8 = orthor p (so )    *
     *    2 = cubic f (fcc)      9 = orthor base-cent. *
     *    3 = cubic i (bcc)     10 = orthor face-cent. *
     *    4 = hex & trig p      11 = orthor body-cent. *
     *    5 = trigonal   r      12 = monoclinic  p     *
     *    6 = tetrag p (st )    13 = monocl base-cent. *
     *    7 = tetrag i (bct)    14 = triclinic   p     *

     bravais lattice  >> 4
     filout [mesh_k]  >> ll
     enter celldm(3)  >> 1.2544
     mesh: n1 n2 n3   >> 8 8 8
     mesh: k1 k2 k3 (0 no shift, 1 shifted) >> 0 0 0
     write all k? [f] >>

     # of k-points   ==    50  of   512

On the other hand when I tried to calculate a similar hexagonal material
that is given in the attached file, it gave 60 k-points instead of 50. This
has happened time to time, but I could not figure how to overcome it. Is
there anyone know the reason or how to overcome it?

Thanks in advance.



*Arş. Gör. Dr. H. Yasin UZUNOKRes. Asst. Dr. H. Yasin UZUNOK*

*Sakarya Üniversitesi Fizik Bölümü*
*Sakarya University Physics Department*

*Tel:+90 264 2956192*

*Gsm: +90 554 7300135*--------------------------------------------------

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