A follow up question:
I used two different systems with the same point group symmetry. I used the same density of the Monkhorst Pack grid of 8x8x6. But the resultant number of reduced k vectors when using nosym=.false. and noinv=.false. are different? As mentioned in the previous post, I am trying to manually reduce the k point grid into the irreducible set of k points using the symmetry Operations that is printed in the output of the scf calculation?
Can some suggest me what is it that I am doing wrong?

Dear Ankit,
when the grid of k-point is less symmetric than the crystal, strange things can happen. This has been discussed many times, I recommend reading the associated issue in the tracker:

There is no simple solution for the moment as it is often a combination of unnecessarily complicated code and unreasonable expectations of the user.

hope this applies to your question.


Lorenzo Paulatto - Paris
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