Dear Stephen,

Thank you very much for your reply!
I followed your advice, first of all I enlarged the cell and used a larger
surface, now containing 97 atoms. The surface was previously optimized. I
switched to mv smearing and added nosym=.true. Also in this supercell, I
put a smaller charge, tot_charge=-0.1, however I still have issues with the
convergence. Is -0.1e still a too large charge? Am I making mistakes in the
definitions of the esm boundaries? Should my vacuum by larger?
Thank you very very much for your kind help.


Here is my new input file:

>    calculation      = 'scf'
>    wf_collect       = .true.
>    nstep            = 1000
>    outdir           = './Cu111_esm3-2/'
>    prefix           = 'Cu111_esm3-2'
>    etot_conv_thr    = 0.0001
>    forc_conv_thr    = 0.001
>    pseudo_dir       = '/home/acrepaldi/espresso/pseudo'
> /
>    ibrav            = 4
>    ecutwfc          = 34
>    ecutrho          = 340
>    occupations      = 'smearing'
>    degauss          = 0.008
>    smearing         = 'mv'
>    ntyp             = 1
>    nat              = 97
>    celldm(3)        = 1.950331123175841
>    celldm(1)        = 24.223144871073202
>    nosym    = .true.
>    assume_isolated  = 'esm'
>    esm_bc    = 'bc3'
>    esm_w    = 0.
>    tot_charge       = -0.1
> /
>    electron_maxstep = 300
>    conv_thr         = 1e-07
>    mixing_mode      = 'local-TF'
>    mixing_beta      = 0.2
> /
>    ion_dynamics     = 'bfgs'
> /
> Cu 63.546 Cu.pbe-dn-rrkjus_psl.1.0.0.UPF
> Cu -1.2818342300 2.1497983160 1.0547781490
> Cu -3.8442137240 6.6662723790 1.0630758690
> Cu 2.5636672360 1.4801339690 -3.1076805320
> Cu 1.2818306920 3.7003332330 -3.1076765280
> Cu -1.2818306920 3.7003332330 -3.1076765280
> Cu 0.0000000000 1.4801373470 -3.1076765280
> Cu 0.0000000000 2.9602679380 -1.0144549990
> Cu 1.2666169930 0.7377261250 -1.0451240320
> Cu 3.8501817830 0.7438130020 -1.0436447610
> Cu 2.5636672360 2.9602713160 -1.0144509960
> Cu -2.5655851960 4.4479831190 1.0498018860
> Cu 3.8588489050 2.1922051150 1.0545938280
> Cu 1.2633652290 2.1899676840 1.0528870540
> Cu 2.5663189350 0.0202638790 1.0158641620
> Cu 2.5653016760 1.4904355240 3.0636321780
> Cu 1.2770943870 3.7146396400 3.0821051150
> Cu -1.2818348940 3.7088583020 3.0822479220
> Cu -0.0088064650 1.4869572090 3.0554638820
> Cu 0.0000000000 5.9205358760 -3.1076805320
> Cu -1.2818365440 8.1407351400 -3.1076765280
> Cu -3.8454979280 8.1407351400 -3.1076765280
> Cu -2.5636672360 5.9205392540 -3.1076765280
> Cu -2.5636672360 7.4006698440 -1.0144549990
> Cu -1.2818324410 5.1844660840 -1.0557774440
> Cu 1.2767427830 5.1801225050 -1.0582850480
> Cu 0.0000000000 7.4006732230 -1.0144509960
> Cu -5.1478062290 8.9249388870 1.0216217120
> Cu 1.2805461470 6.6662694700 1.0630767200
> Cu -1.2818336060 6.6664150870 1.0644507460
> Cu 0.0019185370 4.4479813190 1.0498024500
> Cu 0.0005047590 5.9332432730 3.1036164550
> Cu -1.2818342550 8.1890008560 3.0652690710
> Cu -3.8512306950 8.1978653420 3.0445035050
> Cu -2.5641760560 5.9332452240 3.1036156660
> Cu -2.5636672360 10.3609377820 -3.1076805320
> Cu -5.1273344720 10.3609411600 -3.1076765280
> Cu -3.8448681170 9.6315170630 -1.0563797510
> Cu -1.2818333980 9.6285472640 -1.0577103280
> Cu -2.5444021930 8.9347212930 1.0292746800
> Cu -2.5357541340 10.4165080270 3.0041044820
> Cu -5.1772830140 10.4236538240 2.9761999970
> Cu 7.6910017080 1.4801339690 -3.1076805320
> Cu 6.4091651640 3.7003332330 -3.1076765280
> Cu 3.8455037800 3.7003332330 -3.1076765280
> Cu 5.1273344720 1.4801373470 -3.1076765280
> Cu 5.1273344720 2.9602679380 -1.0144549990
> Cu 6.4044873920 0.7438132460 -1.0436435600
> Cu 8.9880520800 0.7377254730 -1.0451263700
> Cu 7.6910017080 2.9602713160 -1.0144509960
> Cu 2.5603685030 4.4523511870 1.0525696100
> Cu 8.9913045490 2.1899702020 1.0528855930
> Cu 6.3958215410 2.1922077160 1.0545931890
> Cu 7.6883519180 0.0202657140 1.0158636110
> Cu 7.6893702940 1.4904378490 3.0636316320
> Cu 6.4033191720 3.7120861010 3.0850108250
> Cu 3.8513522660 3.7120846290 3.0850115150
> Cu 5.1273373790 1.4772849070 3.0563121120
> Cu 5.1273344720 5.9205358760 -3.1076805320
> Cu 3.8454979280 8.1407351400 -3.1076765280
> Cu 1.2818365440 8.1407351400 -3.1076765280
> Cu 2.5636672360 5.9205392540 -3.1076765280
> Cu 2.5636672360 7.4006698440 -1.0144549990
> Cu 3.8498642830 5.1866496100 -1.0567939310
> Cu 6.4048030870 5.1866492430 -1.0567939980
> Cu 5.1273344720 7.4006732230 -1.0144509960
> Cu -0.0192656820 8.9347228430 1.0292761050
> Cu 6.4080234170 6.6765545540 1.0630822040
> Cu 3.8466441260 6.6765520490 1.0630829880
> Cu 5.1273335560 4.4670125970 1.0523260110
> Cu 5.1273353760 5.9460399870 3.1080805320
> Cu 3.8580579070 8.2083647870 3.0476764990
> Cu 1.2875621630 8.1978613380 3.0445032770
> Cu 2.5709254930 5.9454036270 3.0987941090
> Cu 2.5636672360 10.3609377820 -3.1076805320
> Cu 0.0000000000 10.3609411600 -3.1076765280
> Cu 1.2812016110 9.6315170500 -1.0563791130
> Cu 3.8483376630 9.6299567910 -1.0592201500
> Cu 2.5841386670 8.9249374210 1.0216228570
> Cu 2.6136159500 10.4236538050 2.9761992030
> Cu -0.0279066730 10.4165076160 3.0041058400
> Cu 8.9728382520 3.7003332330 -3.1076765280
> Cu 10.2546689440 1.4801373470 -3.1076765280
> Cu 10.2546689440 2.9602679380 -1.0144549990
> Cu 11.5365023630 0.7336459830 -1.0201061690
> Cu 7.6942997150 4.4523548570 1.0525689910
> Cu 8.9775735990 3.7146428070 3.0821035110
> Cu 10.2634740740 1.4869594230 3.0554647610
> Cu 6.4091710160 8.1407351400 -3.1076765280
> Cu 7.6910017080 5.9205392540 -3.1076765280
> Cu 7.6910017080 7.4006698440 -1.0144549990
> Cu 8.9779254570 5.1801211170 -1.0582847160
> Cu 5.1273335610 8.9666049570 1.0092451640
> Cu 6.3966098150 8.2083675790 3.0476761790
> Cu 7.6837424670 5.9454075110 3.0987926950
> Cu 5.1273344720 10.3609411600 -3.1076765280
> Cu 6.4063295900 9.6299568960 -1.0592192710
> Cu 5.1273331280 10.4579383470 2.9253526320

K_POINTS gamma

PhD candidate
Department of Physics "Aldo Moro"
University of Bari

Il giorno mer 13 mag 2020 alle ore 20:56 Weitzner, Stephen Eric <> ha scritto:

> Dear Antonio,
> Can you send the output as well to show how the SCF convergence goes?
> A few simple things you could try:
>    1. Turn off symmetry with nosym = .TRUE. I believe this is a
>    requirement for using ESM.
>    2. Test with a gamma centered k-grid. I cannot remember exactly, but
>    it may be necessary to include the gamma point in BZ sampling for ESM to
>    work properly. Someone may correct me here if I am wrong.
>    3. Reduce the total charge you are testing. A total charge of 1 excess
>    electron is a pretty large surface charge density for your surface
>    primitive cell. Maybe try with tot_charge = -0.1 or smaller magnitude to
>    see if this converges.
>    4. You could also try changing your smearing to ‘mv’ to use
>    Marzari-Vanderbilt smearing and use a slightly larger broadening, e.g.,
>    degauss = 0.01 or degauss = 0.008 to see if this improves scf convergence.
> Hope that helps.
> --
> Stephen Weitzner, PhD
> Postdoctoral Research Scientist
> Quantum Simulations Group
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
> T : (925) 422-4449
> E :
> *From: *users <> on behalf of
> Antonio Crepaldi <>
> *Reply-To: *Quantum ESPRESSO users Forum <
> >
> *Date: *Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 2:32 PM
> *To: *"" <
> >
> *Subject: *[QE-users] ESM does not converge
> Dear All,
> I'm computing a Cu slab with esm_bc='bc3' with total charge = -1. However,
> whenever the charge is !=0 i cannot converge the scf. Here you can find my
> input file
>    calculation      = 'scf'
>    wf_collect       = .true.
>    nstep            = 1000
>    outdir           = './Cu_esm3/'
>    prefix           = 'Cu_esm3'
>    etot_conv_thr    = 0.0001
>    forc_conv_thr    = 0.001
>    pseudo_dir       = '/homel/acrepaldi/pseudo'
> /
>    ibrav            = 4
>    ecutwfc          = 34
>    ecutrho          = 340
>    occupations      = 'smearing'
>    degauss          = 0.002
>    smearing         = 'gaussian'
>    ntyp             = 1
>    nat              = 7
>    celldm(3)        = 11.710490425008139
>    celldm(1)        = 4.841111
>    assume_isolated='esm',
>    esm_bc='bc3'
>    tot_charge = -1
> /
>    electron_maxstep = 200
>    conv_thr         = 1e-08
>    mixing_mode      = 'local-TF'
>    mixing_beta      = 0.2
> /
> Cu 63.546 Cu_pbe_v1.2.uspp.F.UPF
> Cu 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 -6.2637166039
> Cu 1.2809033158 0.7395306152 -4.1821166321
> Cu 0.0000000013 1.4790602298 -2.0948941353
> Cu 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0009999887
> Cu 1.2809033158 0.7395306152 2.0968941353
> Cu 0.0000000013 1.4790602298 4.1841166096
> Cu 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 6.2657166039
> K_POINTS automatic
> 11 11 1  1 1 0
> I do not understand where I am going wrong.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Sincerely
> Antonio Crepaldi-Lanza
> --
> Departmente of Physics "Aldo Moro"
> University of Bari
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