Dear Moraga Your feedback is very helpful 👌. I have another questions :Is it 
fine to use the default value (1xe-03) for force-conv-thr ? If i use this 
default value , what is the suitable value conv-thr ? I’m familiar with this 
asymmetric slab, so How to use the dipole background You stated?In order to 
study various monolayer coverages , i have yo place multiple S atoms on the 
surface, ao is there any criteria for placing these atoms on asymmetric slab ? 
How far they should be from each other to avoid lateral interactions between 
Adsorbed atoms ? 
Sulfur (S⁻²) adsorption, should i set the net charge of the system to -1 ? If i 
set it to 0 (default) , does that mean Sulfur will be bonded to two Ni atoms ? 
The Ni2P is paramagnetic, so I didn’t consider spin polarized calculation, is 
this correct ? 

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On Sunday, August 16, 2020, 11:19 PM, Lucas Nicolás Lodeiro Moraga 
<> wrote:

I am not an expert in adsorption, but I thought your input has some 
Firstly, forc_conv_thr is set for the maximum force for each relax-frame, the 
value that you use is too low, compared with your conv_thr (which define how 
accurate are your scf forces). Also, for relax, stress is not necessary and you 
could save some time neglecting it (I assume your slab is converged after for 
About the electronic parameters... 25 Ry for ecutwfc seems to me too low for 
USPPs. The fermi-dirac smearing is slower than others and the results do not 
change appreciably. Another thing is the vdW approach, you are using a 
vdW-functional plus the grimme's vdW-corrections... this does not seem correct. 
If you use a vdW-functional you are accounting the vdW interactions by the 
non-local correlation term, and the grimme's empirical correction is not 
needed, and vice versa, if you use the grimme's empirical corrections, you have 
to use a non vdw-functional as LDA,GGA or hybrid.
A value of 0.7 for mixing_beta could be problematic for bad behaved systems. 
When I have problems on the first scf, I change this value to lower values like 
0.5 or 0.3 to prevent long jumps in the scf solutions.
Finally, something about the system-structure is weird to me. Your distances 
between S-P and S-Ni are too short, ~1.5 A. Those distances are too short to 
heavier atoms, and seems to me a bad guess for the first geometry (but I 
remember, I am not an expert in adsorptions, you know more about the 
system).Moreover, as you are putting the adsorbate only on one face of the 
system, you have a net dipole in the system. If you print the electrostatic 
potential profile along z, on vacuum space you will have a slope on the 
profile. It can be fixed, using a dipole background or using symmetrical 
adsorbates and surfaces on both sides of the slab.

Also, you are simulating the adsorption of neutral atoms (in principle) of S. 
If you want to simulate Sulfur (S⁻²) adsorption, your system has to be a total 
negative charge, this requires some 2-D method to neglect the interactions 
between both sides of slab.


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