Some time ago I wrote the attached piece of code that produces a simple
readable output.
Add it somewhere (for instance, at the end of PW/src/punch.f90) and add a
   CALL simple_output ()
in some suitable place, such as e.g. after the line
   CALL punch ('all')
in PW/src/run_pwscf.f90. Don't even think to use it for anything more
complex than simple crystals.You may also add a second line
   CALL simple_test ()
that reads what has been written, fills the hamiltonian matrix,
diagonalizes it, and goes out of memory for anything more complex than
simple crystals.
It was working last time I used it, no warranty that it will work for you.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 8:32 AM Andrew Xu <> wrote:

> Dear users,
> I'm trying to extract the wavefunctions in QE after running pw.x,
> preferably in non-binary format. In versions less than 6, these two links
> give me what I want (
> how can I do a similar thing for QE version 6?
> In particular (I'm using QE 6.3), I noticed the QExml_example in
> ~espresso/PP/ is missing in QE version 6, and when I do make qexml.x in
> ~espresso/PP/, I get errors. There's a qexml.f90 in Modules, but doing make
> qexml.f90, make qexml.o, make qexml_module.mod don't do anything.
> Best,
> Andy
> _______________________________________________
> Quantum ESPRESSO is supported by MaX (
> users mailing list

Paolo Giannozzi, Dip. Scienze Matematiche Informatiche e Fisiche,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222
! Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Paolo Giannozzi
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or .
SUBROUTINE simple_output (  )
  ! Not-so-smart but easy-to-read output file for simple cases (e.g. Si)
  USE kinds,        ONLY : dp
  USE io_global,    ONLY : stdout
  USE io_files,     ONLY : iunpun, iunwfc, tmp_dir, prefix, postfix, nwordwfc
  USE cell_base,    ONLY : at, bg, alat, tpiba
  USE ions_base,    ONLy : nat, nsp, ityp, atm, tau
  USE gvect,        ONLY : ngm, mill
  USE scf,          ONLY : vrs
  USE fft_rho,      ONLY : rho_r2g
  USE lsda_mod,     ONLY : nspin
  USE klist,        ONLY : nks, xk, ngk, igk_k
  USE uspp,         ONLY : okvan, nkb, vkb, dvan, dvan_so
  USE uspp_param,   ONLY : nh
  USE fft_base,     ONLY : dffts
  USE buffers,      ONLY : get_buffer
  USE spin_orb,     ONLY : lspinorb, domag
  USE wvfct,        ONLY : nbnd, et
  USE wavefunctions,ONLY : evc
  COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: vaux(:,:)
  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: fileout
  INTEGER :: ig, is, ik, ikb, ibnd, na, nt
  fileout = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM( prefix ) // postfix // 'output.dat'
  WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(/,5X,"Writing simple output data file ",A)' ) &
  iunpun = 4
  OPEN ( UNIT = iunpun, FORM = 'formatted', STATUS = 'unknown', &
       FILE = fileout )
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Primitive lattice vectors a_1, a_2, a_3 (a.u.)")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) alat*at(:,1), alat*at(:,2), alat*at(:,3)
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Reciprocal lattice vectors b_1, b_2, b_3 (a.u.)")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) tpiba*bg(:,1), tpiba*bg(:,2), tpiba*bg(:,3)
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Number of types of atom")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) nsp
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Number of atoms")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) nat
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Atomic species and positions (x, y, z, in a.u.)")')
  DO na =1, nat
     nt = ityp(na)
     WRITE(iunpun,'(a,3e25.15)') atm(nt), alat*tau(:,na)
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# number of G-vectors")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) ngm
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Miller indices: G=i_1*b_1+i_2*b_2+i_3*b_3")')
  WRITE(iunpun,'(3i8)') (mill(:,ig), ig=1,ngm)
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# number of spin components")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) nspin
  IF ( nspin == 4 ) THEN
     WRITE(iunpun,'("# magnetic, spin-orbit?")')
     WRITE(iunpun,*) domag, lspinorb
  ALLOCATE (vaux(ngm,nspin))
  CALL rho_r2g (dffts, vrs, vaux )
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Local potential V(G) (one column per spin component)")')
  DO is=1,nspin
     WRITE(iunpun,'("# spin component n.",i4)') is
     WRITE(iunpun,*) (vaux(ig,is), ig=1,ngm)
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# US PP?")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) okvan
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# Nonlocal PP coefficients Dlm")')
  DO nt = 1, nsp
     WRITE(iunpun,'("# Atom  type, number of projectors")')
     WRITE(iunpun,*) nt, nh(nt)
     IF ( nspin /= 4 ) THEN
        WRITE(iunpun,*) dvan(1:nh(nt),1:nh(nt),nt)
        DO is = 1, nspin
           WRITE(iunpun,'("# spin component n.",i4)') is
           WRITE(iunpun,*) dvan_so(1:nh(nt),1:nh(nt),is,nt)
        END DO
     END IF
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# number of beta functions")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) nkb
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# number of k-points")')
  WRITE(iunpun,*) nks
  DO ik=1,nks
     WRITE(iunpun,'("# k-point n.",i4)') ik
     WRITE(iunpun,*) tpiba*xk(:,ik)
     WRITE(iunpun,'("# number of plane waves")')
     WRITE(iunpun,*) ngk(ik)
     WRITE(iunpun,'("# index of k+G: (k+G)_i = k + G_index(i)")')
     WRITE(iunpun,'(i8)') (igk_k(ig,ik), ig=1,ngk(ik))
     CALL init_us_2 (ngk(ik), igk_k(1,ik), xk (1, ik), vkb)
     DO ikb=1,nkb
        WRITE(iunpun,'("# beta function n.",i4)') ikb
        WRITE(iunpun,'(2e25.15)') vkb(:,ikb)
     END DO
     CALL get_buffer ( evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik ) 
     WRITE(iunpun,'("# number of bands")')
     WRITE(iunpun,*) nbnd
     DO ibnd=1,nbnd
        WRITE(iunpun,'("# band n.",i4)') ibnd
        WRITE(iunpun,'("# eigenvalue (eV):",e25.15)') et(ibnd,ik)*13.6058
        WRITE(iunpun,'(2e25.15)') evc(:,ibnd)
     END DO
  WRITE(iunpun,'("# end of file")')
  CLOSE (unit=iunpun, STATUS='keep')
END SUBROUTINE simple_output
SUBROUTINE simple_diag (  )
  ! Check: read the simple data file, re-diagonalize the matrix 
  USE kinds,        ONLY : dp
  USE io_global,    ONLY : stdout
  USE io_files,     ONLY : iunpun, iunwfc, tmp_dir, prefix, postfix, nwordwfc
  USE cell_base,    ONLY : at, bg, alat, tpiba
  USE ions_base,    ONLy : nat, nsp, ityp, atm, tau
  USE gvect,        ONLY : ngm, mill
  USE scf,          ONLY : vrs
  USE fft_rho,      ONLY : rho_r2g
  USE lsda_mod,     ONLY : nspin
  USE spin_orb,     ONLY : lspinorb, domag
  USE klist,        ONLY : nks, xk, ngk, igk_k
  USE uspp,         ONLY : okvan, nkb, vkb, dvan, dvan_so
  USE uspp_param,   ONLY : nh
  USE fft_base,     ONLY : dfftp
  USE fft_rho,      ONLY : rho_r2g
  USE buffers,      ONLY : get_buffer
  USE wvfct,        ONLY : nbnd, et
  USE wavefunctions,ONLY : evc
  USE noncollin_module, ONLY : npol
  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: line
  COMPLEX(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: vaux(:,:), h(:,:), v(:,:) 
  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: fileout
  INTEGER :: npw, ig, is, ik, ikb, ibnd, na, nt, nt_, i, j, ii, jj, ij, &
       ih, jh, i1, i2, i3, ipol
  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: limm(:,:,:)
  REAL(dp) :: g(3)
  REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: et_(:)
  LOGICAL :: debug = .FALSE.
  fileout = TRIM(tmp_dir) // TRIM( prefix ) // postfix // 'output.dat'
  WRITE( UNIT = stdout, FMT = '(/,5X,"Checking simple output data file ",A)' ) &
  iunpun = 4
  OPEN ( UNIT = iunpun, FORM = 'formatted', STATUS = 'old', FILE = fileout )
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*) at(:,1), at(:,2), at(:,3)
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), at(:,1), at(:,2), at(:,3)
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*) bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3)
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), bg(:,1), bg(:,2), bg(:,3)
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*) nsp
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), nsp
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*) nat
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), nat
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
  DO na =1, nat
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*) ngm
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), ngm
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
  READ(iunpun,'(3i8)') (mill(:,ig), ig=1,ngm)
  ! if i1=mill(1,ig), i2=mill(2,ig), i3=mill(3,ig), then:
  ! limm(i1,i2,i3) = ig
  i1 = MAXVAL( ABS(mill(1,:)) )
  i2 = MAXVAL( ABS(mill(2,:)) )
  i3 = MAXVAL( ABS(mill(3,:)) )
  ALLOCATE (limm(-i1:i1,-i2:i2,-i3:i3))
  limm = 0
  DO ig=1,ngm
     limm( mill(1,ig), mill(2,ig), mill(3,ig) ) = ig
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*) nspin
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), nspin
  IF ( nspin <= 2 ) THEN
     npol = 1
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     READ(iunpun,*) domag, lspinorb
     IF ( domag .OR. .NOT.lspinorb ) &
          CALL errore ('simple_diag','spin-orbit with no magnetization only',1)
     npol = 2
  ALLOCATE (vaux(ngm,nspin))
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
  DO is=1,nspin
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
     READ(iunpun,*) (vaux(ig,is), ig=1,ngm)
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*)  okvan
  IF ( okvan ) CALL errore ('simple_diag','US PP not implemented',1)
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
  DO nt = 1, nsp
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
     READ(iunpun,*) nt_, nh(nt)
     IF ( nspin /= 4 ) THEN
        READ(iunpun,*) dvan(1:nh(nt),1:nh(nt),nt)
        DO is=1,nspin
           READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
           IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
           READ(iunpun,*) dvan_so(1:nh(nt),1:nh(nt),is,nt)
        END DO
     END IF
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*)  nkb
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), nkb
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  READ(iunpun,*) nks
  IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), nks
  DO ik=1,nks
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     READ(iunpun,*) xk(:,ik)
     IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), xk(:,ik)
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     READ(iunpun,*) ngk(ik)
     IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), ngk(ik)
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
     READ(iunpun,'(i8)') (igk_k(ig,ik), ig=1,ngk(ik))
     DO ikb=1,nkb
        READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
        IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
        READ(iunpun,'(2e25.15)') vkb(:,ikb)
     END DO
     CALL get_buffer ( evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik ) 
     READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
     READ(iunpun,*)  nbnd
     IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,*) trim(line), nbnd
     DO ibnd=1,nbnd
        READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
        IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
        READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
        IF ( debug) WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
        READ(iunpun,'(2e25.15)') evc(:,ibnd)
     END DO
     WRITE(stdout,'("# Data read for k-point #",i4,", diagonalizing...")') ik
     npw = ngk(ik) 
     ALLOCATE ( h(npol*npw,npol*npw), v(npol*npw,npol*npw), et_(npol*npw) )
     h(:,:) = (0.0_dp,0.0_dp)
     DO j=1,npw
        ! kinetic energy
        g(:) = mill(1,igk_k(j,ik))*bg(:,1) + &
               mill(2,igk_k(j,ik))*bg(:,2) + &
        h(j,j)= ( xk(1,ik)+g(1) )**2 + &
                ( xk(2,ik)+g(2) )**2 + &
                ( xk(3,ik)+g(3) )**2
        IF ( npol == 2 ) h(npw+j,npw+j) = h(j,j)
        ! nonlocal potential
        DO nt=1,nsp
           DO na=1,nat
              IF ( nt == ityp(na) ) THEN
                 DO ih=1,nh(nt)
                    DO jh=1,nh(nt)
                       IF ( nspin /= 4 ) THEN
                          DO i=j,npw
                             h(i,j) = h(i,j) + vkb(i,ikb+ih) * &
                                  dvan(ih,jh,nt) *DCONJG(vkb(j,ikb+jh))
                          END DO
                          DO i=j,npw
                             h(i,j) = h(i,j) + vkb(i,ikb+ih) * &
                                  dvan_so(ih,jh,1,nt) *DCONJG(vkb(j,ikb+jh))
                             h(i+npw,j+npw) = h(i+npw,j+npw) + vkb(i,ikb+ih)* &
                                  dvan_so(ih,jh,4,nt) *DCONJG(vkb(j,ikb+jh))
                          END DO
                          DO i=1,npw
                             h(i,j+npw) = h(i,j+npw) + vkb(i,ikb+ih) * &
                                  dvan_so(ih,jh,2,nt) *DCONJG(vkb(j,ikb+jh))
                             h(i+npw,j) = h(i+npw,j) + vkb(i,ikb+ih) * &
                                  dvan_so(ih,jh,3,nt) *DCONJG(vkb(j,ikb+jh))
                          END DO
                       END IF
                    END DO
                 END DO
                 ikb = ikb + nh(nt)
              END IF
           END DO
        END DO
        ! local potential
        DO i=j,npw
           i1 = mill(1,igk_k(i,ik)) - mill(1,igk_k(j,ik))
           i2 = mill(2,igk_k(i,ik)) - mill(2,igk_k(j,ik))
           i3 = mill(3,igk_k(i,ik)) - mill(3,igk_k(j,ik))
           IF ( ABS(i1) > SIZE(limm,1) .OR. &
                ABS(i2) > SIZE(limm,2) .OR. &
                ABS(i3) > SIZE(limm,3) ) &
                CALL errore ('simple_diag','internal error (1)',i)
           ij = limm ( i1,i2,i3 )
           IF ( ij <= 0 .OR. ij > ngm ) &
                CALL errore ('simple_diag','internal error (2)',i)
           DO ipol = 1, npol
              ii = (ipol-1)*npw + i
              jj = (ipol-1)*npw + j
              h(ii,jj) = h(ii,jj) + vaux(ij,1)
              IF ( i > j ) h(jj,ii) =DCONJG(h(ii,jj))
           END DO
        END DO
     END DO
     CALL cdiagh ( npol*npw, h, npol*npw, et_, v)
     WRITE(stdout,'(4f12.6)') (et_(ibnd)*13.6058, ibnd=1,nbnd)
     DEALLOCATE ( et_, v, h )
  DEALLOCATE (limm, vaux)
  READ(iunpun,'(a)')  line
  WRITE(stdout,'(a)') line
  CLOSE (unit=iunpun, STATUS='keep')
END SUBROUTINE simple_diag
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