Hi Everyone,

I've recently done electron-phonon coupling calculations using EPW and I
was curious about the format of the electron linewidth file. For example,
this is the start of the output.
# Electron linewidth = 2*Im(Sigma) (meV)
#      ik       ibnd                 E(ibnd)      Im(Sigma)(meV)
        1          2    0.74585344379378E+01    0.00000000000000E+00
        1          3    0.74585344379383E+01    0.00000000000000E+00
        1          4    0.74585346730041E+01    0.00000000000000E+00
        2          2    0.69732345137940E+01    0.00000000000000E+00
        2          3    0.73937711906999E+01    0.00000000000000E+00
        2          4    0.73937713598382E+01    0.00000000000000E+00
        3          2    0.56870327888693E+01    0.59375926813025E+01
        3          3    0.72215713619817E+01    0.11852925632458E+01
        3          4    0.72215714463980E+01    0.11852925632458E+01
        4          2    0.39942422147439E+01    0.13871609740790E+02
        4          3    0.69880161518172E+01    0.20932841759345E+01
        4          4    0.69880161788089E+01    0.20932841759345E+01
        5          2    0.22701285417072E+01    0.79404838918865E+01
        5          3    0.67274355530813E+01    0.26055977578894E+01
        5          4    0.67274355934393E+01    0.26055977578894E+01
For the real part of the energy E(ibnd), is it in meV as well? Sorry I'm
just a little confused by the formatting.

Thank you,
*University of California, Berkeley*
*Department of Letter and Sciences*
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