Dear Giuseppe,

Thank your very much for your suggestions.

LIANG Xiongyi

From: Giuseppe Mattioli<>
Sent: 2021年5月2日 17:56
Subject: Re: [QE-users] HSE band structure QE6.3

Dear Liang Xiongyi
You want to calculate a lot of k-points with EXX, and this is very
expensive. Moreover, you are using a really low ecutwfc (I expect
something around ecutwfc=80.0 for your pseudopotentials), which will
make the calculation heavier. However, you should *definitely* use
ecutfock when performing EXX calculations, which saves a lot of
computational resources with no significant decrease in accuracy. you
may try to use something around ecutwfc=80.0 and ecutfock=120.0 in
your system, and see whether the ACE algorithm does explode or not...
Degauss seems a bit high, did you have convergence issues? I would
reduce it to 0.02 or 0.01 Ry, possibly reducing mixing beta to 0.1
instead, or (in difficult cases) using scf_must_converge = .false. to
force the first scf loop without EXX.

You may also build your band structure step by step, calculating less
zero-weight k-points in multiple runs.


Quoting LEUNG Clarence <>:

> Dear Users and developers,
> Recently, I want to calculate the HSE band structure of 2D Mxene.
> However, my model contains 62 atoms, and it requires 1000GB RAM,
> which is much larger than our server. (Our server is two nodes, 128
> cores, 512Gb RAM).
> And my input file is as follows:
>   calculation='scf',
>   prefix='hse',
>   nstep = 200 ,
>   wf_collect = .true. ,
>   verbosity='high',
>   max_seconds = 320000 ,
>   etot_conv_thr = 3.5D-6 ,
>   forc_conv_thr = 4.0D-4 ,
> /
>   ibrav=4,
>   celldm(1)=17.0770392479d0, celldm(3)=2.7664721283d0,
>   nat=62,
>   ntyp=3,
>   ecutwfc=30,
>   ecutrho=120,
>   input_dft='hse',
>   nqx1 = 1,
>   nqx2 = 1,
>   nqx3 = 1,
>   occupations='smearing',
>   smearing = 'gaussian' ,
>   degauss = 0.05 ,
> /
>   conv_thr=1d-06,
>   mixing_beta=0.3d0,
>   mixing_mode ='local-TF',
> /
> /
>   C 12.010700d0 C_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf
>   O 15.999400d0 O_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf
>   Ti 47.867000d0 Ti_ONCV_PBE-1.0.upf
> Ti            0.7808545140        0.7671906860        0.3995156850
> C             0.8891219330        0.9901297940        0.4480233890
> C             0.9960986920        0.8747975760        0.3503787000
> Ti            0.9938891190        0.8737870240        0.5041005970
> Ti            0.8879673590        0.9877830420        0.2964906580
> O             0.8793945100        0.6525888490        0.5435949440
> O             0.7753078740        0.0955205930        0.2598887140
> Ti            0.7770424160        0.0989496240        0.3993660560
> C             0.8880242740        0.3207806690        0.4479587740
> C             0.9988956070        0.2096976010        0.3482381620
> Ti            0.9958664700        0.2092604700        0.5025657110
> Ti            0.8884831410        0.3209541830        0.2975749100
> O             0.8794232040        0.9806561930        0.5435898590
> O             0.7753025990        0.4332356910        0.2598863380
> Ti            0.7770449090        0.4316279390        0.3993671700
> C             0.8891210520        0.6525646530        0.4480220750
> C             0.9988904920        0.5426860410        0.3482389620
> Ti            0.9958774110        0.5402984220        0.5025837320
> Ti            0.8879677360        0.6536165920        0.2964883840
> O             0.8768241410        0.3153899820        0.5432534590
> O             0.7775788160        0.7655190430        0.2597430870
> Ti            0.1100198730        0.7651510360        0.4002353320
> C             0.2210280880        0.9872892320        0.4487084380
> C             0.3332133140        0.8746340570        0.3501854280
> Ti            0.3300940610        0.8751282090        0.5049073460
> Ti            0.2221237240        0.9877722820        0.2976149280
> O             0.2160733110        0.6518313160        0.5432772410
> O             0.1107961150        0.0966784600        0.2604582960
> Ti            0.1100267960        0.0983961020        0.4002347730
> C             0.2186604780        0.3210853680        0.4477729120
> C             0.3332083020        0.2120689420        0.3501862030
> Ti            0.3300974270        0.2086882680        0.5049212740
> Ti            0.2215893890        0.3212333030        0.2964423070
> O             0.2137669830        0.9838139150        0.5430396780
> O             0.1123636000        0.4329064490        0.2597063150
> Ti            0.1096208270        0.4315740890        0.3988424360
> C             0.2186576100        0.6511280630        0.4477679090
> C             0.3350024780        0.5442517080        0.3495524480
> Ti            0.3122820890        0.5329950800        0.4997341660
> Ti            0.2215953920        0.6537863410        0.2964459600
> O             0.2160738920        0.3180891560        0.5432779000
> O             0.1107930810        0.7675585950        0.2604589050
> Ti            0.4418418820        0.7680893450        0.3994203290
> C             0.5564444910        0.9894673770        0.4477208010
> C             0.6641442200        0.8734660810        0.3499050380
> Ti            0.6718585340        0.8964673560        0.5008745530
> Ti            0.5559709770        0.9883371480        0.2967958830
> O             0.4403213330        0.0968839720        0.2605958360
> Ti            0.4437146120        0.0986256360        0.4006578760
> C             0.5564508940        0.3205533200        0.4477261630
> C             0.6657046920        0.2096017810        0.3482761640
> Ti            0.6668378800        0.2102545740        0.5026382010
> Ti            0.5559725720        0.3210635680        0.2967916650
> O             0.5418912710        0.9772017210        0.5442252410
> O             0.4430153840        0.4310092860        0.2597103220
> Ti            0.4418376010        0.4272748560        0.3994142990
> C             0.5534295220        0.6535481660        0.4664693870
> C             0.6641461650        0.5441789360        0.3499034390
> Ti            0.6718697120        0.5290814990        0.5008747040
> Ti            0.5545168720        0.6539739820        0.2977120310
> O             0.5418889270        0.3185621150        0.5442344560
> O             0.4430213900        0.7654628730        0.2597127800
> 55
>           0                     0.5447405          0.0000000        0.2222222
>           0.36       0                   0.0000000          0.2222222
>           0.3333333         0.5447405       0.0000000       0.2222222
>          -0.333333333    0.5447405000 0.0000000000 0.2222222
>           0.1                  0.1                   0.0000000
>    0.1111111
>         0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0277777778    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0555555556    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0833333333    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1111111111    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1388888889    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1666666667    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1944444444    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2222222222    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2500000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2777777778    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3055555556    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3333333333    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3611111111    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3888888889    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4166666667    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4444444444    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4722222222    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.5000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4833330000    0.0333330000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4666660000    0.0666660000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4499990000    0.0999990000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4333320000    0.1333320000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.4166650000    0.1666650000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3999980000    0.1999980000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3833310000    0.2333310000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3666640000    0.2666640000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3499970000    0.2999970000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3333300000    0.3333300000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3174571429    0.3174571429    0.0000000000    0
>         0.3015842857    0.3015842857    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2857114286    0.2857114286    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2698385714    0.2698385714    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2539657143    0.2539657143    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2380928571    0.2380928571    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2222200000    0.2222200000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.2063471429    0.2063471429    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1904742857    0.1904742857    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1746014286    0.1746014286    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1587285714    0.1587285714    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1428557143    0.1428557143    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1269828571    0.1269828571    0.0000000000    0
>         0.1111100000    0.1111100000    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0952371429    0.0952371429    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0793642857    0.0793642857    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0634914286    0.0634914286    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0476185714    0.0476185714    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0317457143    0.0317457143    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0158728571    0.0158728571    0.0000000000    0
>         0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0
> It is very appreciated that give me some suggestions.
> Best regards,
> LIANG Xiongyi
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> City University of Hong Kong

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