Dear Patrizio
Are you sure you need ecutwfc=100 Ry and ecutrho=12*ecutwfc to converge US pseudopotentials? Have you performed convergence tests on simple systems or flicked through sssp tables (I see 30/240 for pslibrary US Mg and 40/320 for gbrv US Sb...)? However, for your nscf step you require a 45 45 31 k-points mesh. It's a lot of k-points. I don't know what is the purpose of your calculations, so I can't say if you are uselessly oversampling the Brillouin zone. But there is no free lunch...

PS maybe we are nearest neighbours, you may phone... :-D


Hello everybody,

I'm seeking advice to fasten nscf convergence (or make it possible).

I'm using qe 6.8 to study Mg3Sb2 / Mg3Bi2 solid solutions, as first step I'm starting with a Mg3Sb2 2x2x2 supercell (40 atoms) to compare with simple Mg3Sb2 cell (5 atoms).

The calculation track is scf --> nscf --> fs.

For the simple cell it runs smoothly (and I'm confident it is okay as I compared with a colleague of mine relatively expert in DFT, not qe).

For the supercell the scf converges in around 1 day of CPU time, but the nscf does not converge in ~ 12 days of CPU time - say 23 hours with 4 nodes, 6 tasks, 6 cpu-per-task, npool=24, are not sufficient to reach convergence.

I attach the .in files for both scf and nscf, as well as the nscf out file. There are several eigenvalues not converged but I am not sure if this is the cause of the long time required for convergence (I've read in the forum this can be often regarded as a warning).

So, since I have limited computational resources, before making many trial-and-error attempts I would seek hints and advices to understand if it is only a matter of make a more intensive calculation (I've read the restart mode is not recommended for nscf so I should ask for more nodes), or to improve the input file in an aware way.

Sorry if this is a time waste for you, and thanks in advance for any support,



Patrizio Graziosi, PhD

Research Scientist

Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials

Via Salaria Km 29,300 - C.P. 10
I-00015 - Monterotondo Scalo (RM)
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