Hello QE-community,


I recently encountered an interesting error during my calculations using
pw.x and preceding calculations.

Usually, when I am computing electronic properties with a relaxed structure
starting with the scf calculation, the output fine terminates with the
well-known statements:


Writing config to output data dir ./A/B.save/

Message from routine punch:

wavefunctions written to file




However, with modified structures I encountered a problem resulting in a
converged scf calculation - but the results cannot be fully written to the
disk ultimately resulting in an error with preceding calculations using
band.x & projwfc.x


The out file ends as follows:


The total energy is F=E-TS. E is the sum of the following terms:

     one-electron contribution = -110430.44253038 Ry

     hartree contribution      =   55979.49879534 Ry

     xc contribution           =   -3805.38341887 Ry

     ewald contribution        =   46263.47293848 Ry

     Hubbard energy            =      22.22980407 Ry


     convergence has been achieved in  24 iterations


     Writing all to output data dir ./A/B.save/


=== current date     : Sat Apr  2 05:53:55 CEST 2022

= Job-ID             : 1109414



E.g. projwfc creates the following error message:

forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 4, file

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source

projwfc.x          0000000000C36A3B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

projwfc.x          0000000000C64A6E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

projwfc.x          00000000007E5236  io_base_mp_read_w         357

projwfc.x          000000000048ACC3  pw_restart_new_mp        1313

projwfc.x          000000000040F621  projwave_                1255

projwfc.x          000000000040A6F6  MAIN__                    221

projwfc.x          0000000000409FE2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libc-2.17.so       00002B69345FD555  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown

projwfc.x          0000000000409EE9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown


I have attached a modified input file and would be grateful to hear any
suggestions and your feedback to solve the problem.


Many thanks and all the best



Attachment: SCF_Input.in
Description: Binary data

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