Get the User_ID for the user you want to delete ... for example 49

- go to table "cache". Delete all entries corresponding to user_id=49
- go to table "contacts". Delete all entries corresponding to user_id=49
- go to table "identities". Delete all entries corresponding to user_id=49
- go to table "messages". Delete all entries corresponding to user_id=49

now you should be able to delete the user with user_id 49 from the table

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Glenn Seymour <> wrote:

> How does one delete a user from the databases via PHPmyadmin?
> I get the following error...
> MySQL said: #1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key
> constraint fails (`roundcubemail/cache`, CONSTRAINT `user_id_fk_cache`
> FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_id`))
> And I cannot get around it!!
> please help!
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