On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Jacek Osiecki <josie...@silvercube.pl>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Roundcube is really great and sometimes I don't even bother to use my
> MUA since it's easier to run roundcube. However, there are few things that
> quite annoy me, and maybe I'm not the only one who is missing such
> functionality...
> 1. When I'm moving a large number of messages, I don't know how many of
> them
>   are being moved. OK, I can check the number of messages in mailbox before
>   and after, but that's not comfortable and might be misleading if some
> new messages
>   arrive before I mode messages.
>   So far I'm dealing with it by marking messages, then setting them as
> unread, and
>   set as read again - but that's still much more than it should need to
> know how
>   many messages I'm moving :)
>   Isn't it possible to count the number of messages and display overall
> number of
>   moved messages over the list of messages?

A strong +1 from my side. I have lots of users who move quite many e-mails
to different folders. Sometimes this process takes a while and it would be
nice if at the top the status is shown. Example:
Moved 15/45 messages
The counter increases every second to see that Roundcube is working.
I've already had the bad experience that a user was moving A LOT of mails
to a different folder and expected to happen this immediately. During the
move, Roundcube is non-responsive (to prevent other user actions) but the
user just closed his browser because he thought the browser froze. This
caused a weird loop in the mail server creating thousands of messages in
the tmp folder of the users mail dir.
So an actual status of the move process would be very good to see!

> 2. When I have dozens of new messages and I just need to mark as read, I'm
> clicking
>    on them with CTRL in order to mark and then "mark as read". However, if
> sometimes
>    I accidentally double click on a message, it is being opened and all
> messages are
>    unmarked again.
>    I _never_ use doubleclick - I don't need it, and if I definitely want
> to see the message
>    maximized I can click on the "maximize" icon in upright corner in
> Subject: line.
>    How about some possibility to disable doubleclick - the best would be
> to make it
>    configurable per user, since people have various habits and some might
> even like it?

Most users know the double click from their mail application like Outlook
and deactivating it would cause more trouble than good. But maybe an option
to deactivate it (per user) could be set.

> 3. I have lots of folders in order to have data categorized as well as
> possible. However, there
>    are some folders with thousands of messages, and if I have a setting of
> maximum 200 messages
>    per page - it is quite hard to click maany times to get to page 25 for
> example.
>    How about something like "goto page" and possibility to enter a number?
>    It would be even nicer to have the possibility to search messages by
> date, but I assume
>    this is much harder to implement...

On one hand the goto page isn't a bad idea, but this wouldn't be necessary
(I guess) if the search allowed to narrow down the results by setting
date/time ranges.
+1 for an advanced search :-)

> Greetings,
> --
> Jacek
> --
> List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/
> BT/86b78bab
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