On Tue, 4 Sep 2012 15:38:04 -0500, Luis Ángel González Barrios
<glz.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi my company has the service of webmail, but i got a problem i
> received a new email account but i dont know how to transfers all the
> emails from my previous roundcube webmail account to the new one they
> just create it, how can i do that? Thanks for the help in advance

There is a program called Fetchmail can retrieve remote mail from
various kinds of mail servers and then delivers them to another mail
server over SMTP. (Fetchmail is normally used to implement polling
from a remote server, simulating the spontaneous
arrival of mails into a local server. It has arguments that let
you pick a non-local destination SMTP server, so it should be
possible to use Fetchmail as a transfer tool between servers.)

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