Hi Alec,

I am testing 1.0-rc with, now, an hour old version from git.
My goal is to upgrade an existing RC version, currently running 0.8.6 to
1.0 when 1.0 is officially released.

The server is running Debian Squeeze (oldstable).

It seems that the managesieve plugin doesn't work anymore with an older
Dovecot version (1.2). Even when I set "managesieve_port" to "2200", the
plugin doesn't load.

The following errors are shown in error log:

14-Feb-2014 17:29:58 Europe/Zurich] Failed to read from socket ():
14-Feb-2014 17:29:58 +0100]: PHP Error: Unable to connect to managesieve on
localhost:2200 in
ngine.php on line 188 (GET /?_task=settings&_action=plugin.managesieve)
14-Feb-2014 17:29:58 Europe/Zurich] Not currently in AUTHORISATION state
14-Feb-2014 17:29:58 Europe/Zurich] Failed to read from socket ():
14-Feb-2014 17:30:46 Europe/Zurich] Failed to read from socket ():

On the same server, the parallel installed version of 0.8.6 works fine.

Any ideas? Did I misconfigure something, although there's not that much to
configure in plugins/managesieve/config.inc.php?

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