We have about 300 users. We had been using openwebmail before moving to
Roundcube. We have begun the migration to roundcube slowly (this while
1.4 was in beta still). Now that 1.4 is final we want to force all users
to migrate. One minor inconvenience for the users is that they will have
to migrate their contacts (stored as vcards in a text file) from
openwebmail to roundcube.
Is there a way to write a hook or script so that when a new user is
created it seeks and pulls all contacts from the old system? The old
system's contacts exist under different names on a specific directory.
I have been considering writing a perl script to do it on a per user
basis but the user must already exist in the database and I don't yet
know the meaning of some of the rows, like changed, words and del. Also,
is contact_id an autoincremented index? Thank you.
Gerardo Contreras
Universidad del Papaloapan
Oaxaca, Mexico
Roundcube Users mailing list

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