On 2021-08-22 03:47, Noel Butler wrote: 

> On 22/08/2021 17:21, Kaz Kylheku wrote: 
> It's mine, thank you very much. 
> On 2021-08-21 19:57, Noel Butler wrote: 
> Kax: 
> It's not your place or mine to judge others operating methods, it's their 
> network.

Really? then you admit ghosting on this list? Because OP is Jorge, so
its his network not yours, he can run it how he sees fit 

Well, we have not confirmed whose network it is, but it can be assumed
Jorge has charge of some aspects of it. 

He does not "see fit", unfortunately. The requirement that user should
be able to get to an application login screen, but then be denied login
based on country, is not sound. 

Jorge may be misunderstanding what the actual boss of the network really
wants, like keeping out penetration attempts from certain problem

If you're not going to let users log in based on their IP address, then
you might as well not allow their TCP./IP connection at all, which is
handled at the firewall level, not in the webmail application. 

This can be a reasonable thing. 

If you have users traveling to those places, they know ahead of time,
and arm them with a tested VPN configuration. 

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