Dear Scilab users,

in my application I use plot and custom X axes ticks labes (timestamps).
Aplication has to run for at least  24hours, but after few hours Windows
terminates Scilab due to low memory. We noticed that chenging plot X labels
causes memory allocation which results Scilab termination by OS.

Here is a example code:
x = 0:0.1:100;
y = sin(x);
plot_handle = gca();

while 1
    ticks = plot_handle.x_ticks
    cur_time = round(clock());
    ticks.labels = [ticks.labels(2:max(size(ticks.locations)));..
                    string(cur_time(4)) + ":" +.. // hour
                    string(cur_time(5)) + ":" +.. // minute
                    string(cur_time(6))];         // second

    plot_handle.x_ticks = ticks;

What can cause such intensive memory allocation? Is there any workaround
for this problem ?
[image: Obraz w treści 1][image: Obraz w treści 2]
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