Hi Antoine,

Le 28/08/2016 09:46, Antoine Monmayrant a écrit :
Le Samedi, Août 27, 2016 19:24 CEST, philippe <rouxph...@gmail.com> a écrit:
Thanks Philippe, but nope, it does not work that easily.
It does for "\alpha", but my real use case is a bit more complicated and 
calling titlepage directly is a mess.
I use titlepage(errormessage) where errormessage is a string array with a lot of starting 
and trailing " " (white spaces).
I need to preserve these white spaces and use a monospace font to preserve the 
relative alignment between the different lines in the array.
Doing this is a bit convolved when using titlepage alone:
  - add some character at the begining of each line (to prevent titlepage from 
stripping the white spaces),
  - call titlepage,
  - get a handle the the create textbox,
  - change text justification (middle->lef centered)
  - change font style (0 for monospace).

This is what I use now, but titlepage("$\verb| error message |$") would have 
been more compact and elegant.
I definitely agree on the fact that xstring() (and xstringb(), called by titlepage(), and that are the guilty guys) always trimming all leading spaces is an issue.

It should be the user's responsability to use stripblanks() whenever it is required
before feeding xstring(), and that xstring() does not always do that in an
irreversible way (text stored in xstring.text is actually deblanked).

Presently, the text.alignment property can be either "left", "center" and "right",
the default being "left".
IMO, a new *"as_is"* or *"none"* value should be added, and even become the default.

For the time being, you may test and use the attached version of titlepage:
As soon as at least one of the strings has a leading space, the whole matrix
of strings is displayed "as is", in order to preserve any indentations and so.
To do so, strings are displayed in LaTeX mode. Run
--> head_comments titlepage // to get details, or see the header in the script.

This workaround has 2 drawbacks:
* lines are more compact (IMO too compact). I did not find any way to tune this in supported LaTeX. * The font style must be set when calling titlepage(). It can't be changed with text.font_style, and must be chosen when calling titlepage(). And only 3 fonts are available.
But the text.font_foreground attribute works!

t = ["Here are indented nested lists"
"   a) First point"
"      * First item"
"      * Second item"
"   b) Another view"
"   c) For a new titlepage()?"
xtitle("Default titlepage(t)")
// exec() the new titlepage.sci
titlepage([t ; "" ; t])
head_comments titlepage
e = gce();
e.font_foreground = color("blue");
clear titlepage  // comes back to the default titlepage()


This can be proposed as is to upgrade the present titlepage(),
even if it would be better to implement ASAP an "as_is" value for xstring.alignment.


// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
// Copyright (C) 1989 - INRIA - Serge Steer
// Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
// Copyright (C) 2016 - Samuel GOUGEON
// This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
// pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
// This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
// and continues to be available under such terms.
// For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
// along with this program.

function titlepage(varargin)
    // titlepage([axes,] str [, ifont])
    // axes: handle of an Axes or of a Figure or a Figure ID (optional)
    // str: matrix of texts to be displayed
    // ifont: ID of a loaded font (optional)
    // If at least one component of str has a leading space, str is being
    // displayed as is without trimming its spaces and centering strings.
    // This allows displaying indented texts. LaTeX is then used, and
    // available fonts are: 
    //  ifont=0: Courrier  ifont=2: Times  Otherwise: Sans-Serif (Helvetica)
    // In LaTeX indented mode, rows are more compact.
    //titlepage(str) genere une page de titres graphiques contenant la ma-
    //trice de chaines de caracteres str ecrite centree dans  la page avec
    //une taille de caractere maximale.
    a = varargin
    old = gcf();
    [lhs,rhs] = argn(0)
    if rhs==0 | rhs>3 then
        msg = gettext("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d or %d expected.\n")
        error(msprintf(msg, "titlepage", 1, 3))
    if type(a(1))==10 then
        str = a(1)
    elseif (type(a(1))==[1 8])
        win = double(a(1))
    elseif type(a(1))==9
        if a(1).type=="Figure"
        elseif a(1).type=="Axes"
        tmp = gcf()
        win = tmp.figure_id
        msg = gettext("%s: Argument #%d: Figure or Axes ID or Text(s) expected.\n")
        error(msprintf(msg, "titlepage", 1))
    a(1) = null()
    // argin #2
    if size(a)>0 then
        if ~isdef("str","l")
            if type(a(1))~=10 then
                msg = gettext("%s: Argument #%d: Text(s) expected.\n")
                error(msprintf(msg, "titlepage", 2))
                str = a(1)
                a(1) = null()
    // argin #3
    if size(a)>0
        if ~or(type(a(1))==[1 8]) then
            msg = gettext("%s: Argument #%d: Font ID expected.\n")
            error(msprintf(msg, "titlepage", 3))
            ifont = a(1)

    // ----------------------------
    ax = gca()
    ax.margins = [1 1 1 1]*0.07     // Gets more place for the text
    ax.foreground = color("grey80") // Color of the frame

    // If one of the strings has leading spaces, then all strings are displayed
    // "as is" without trimming spaces neither leading nor trailing ones.
    // This allows to display indented texts, as required 
    // We do that with LaTeX, since xstring() trims blanks
    if or(part(str,1)==" ") then
        fc = "\\sf"
        if isdef("ifont", "l")
            select ifont
            case 0
                fc = "\\tt "
            case 2
                fc = "\\rm "
        str = strsubst(str, "\", "\backslash ")  // Protects literal backslashes
        k = grep(str, "/^\s*$/", "r")
        str(k) = "\\ \\ "                       // Protects blank lines
        str = "\mbox{"+str+"}"
        // We must adjust the font scale. So, before, we measure it:
        // 2 passes are required (for some unknown reason) to get the right scale:
        wh = stringbox("$"+str+"$",0,0)
        wh = wh([5 6])
        wh = [wh(1) wh(2)]
        xyfactor = min(1 ./ wh)
        str0 = str
        str = msprintf("$\\scalebox{%5.2f}{"+fc, xyfactor)+str0+"}$"
        wh2 = stringbox(str,0,0)
        wh2 = wh2([5 6])
        wh2 = [wh2(1) wh2(2)]
        xyfactor2 = min(0.95 ./ wh2)

        // We end building the strings, and display them:
        str = msprintf("$\\scalebox{%5.2f}{"+fc, xyfactor*xyfactor2)+str0+"}$"
        x = (1-wh2(1)*xyfactor2)/2
        y = (1-wh2(2)*xyfactor2)/2
        if isdef("ifont","l")
            e = gce();
            e.font_style = ifont
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