
first convert the base64 encoded PEM certificate file into binary DER

openssl x509 -in strongswanCert.pem -outform der -out strongswanCert.der

and then use the script bin2sql:


to convert the contents of the binary file into a HEX string:

cat strongSwanCert.der | scripts/bin2sql

Best regards


J. Tang wrote:
> I am trying to decipher strongSwan's SQL interface.  In test
> sql/net2net-cert, moon's ipsec.sql has the statement
>   INSERT INTO certificates (
>      type, keytype, data
>   ) VALUES ( /* C=CH, O=Linux strongSwan, CN=strongSwan Root CA */
>     1, 1, X'308203b53082029da0....'
>   );
> I realize that the data blob originates from
> moon/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/strongswanCert.pem.  My question is how does
> one convert a certificate (CA or host) to a SQL data blob?

Andreas Steffen                         andreas.stef...@strongswan.org
strongSwan - the Linux VPN Solution!                www.strongswan.org

Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)

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