Hi all,

    I have my strongswan.conf file as below  but still i am not able to see
any messages in /var/log/charon.log ( Not even a single line ). But when i
see the wireshark logs with the remote host all IKE INIT and AUTH are

charon {
        filelog {
                /var/log/charon.log {
                        # add a timestamp prefix
                        time_format = %b %e %T
                        # loggers to files also accept the append option to
open files in
                        # append mode at startup (default is yes)
                        append = no
                        # the default loglevel for all daemon subsystems
(defaults to 1).
                        default = 1
                        # flush each line to disk
                        flush_line = yes
                stderr {
                        # more detailed loglevel for a specific subsystem,
overriding the
                        # default loglevel.
                        ike = 2
                        knl = 3
                        # prepend connection name, simplifies grepping
                        ike_name = yes
        # And two loggers using syslog. The subsections define the facility
to log
        # to, currently one of: daemon, auth.
        syslog {
                # default level to the LOG_DAEMON facility
                daemon {
                # very minimalistic IKE auditing logs to LOG_AUTHPRIV
                auth {
                        default = -1
                        ike = 0

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