
you might be surprised to see 4.6.0 followed by 4.6.1 after only
a couple of days. Unfortunately testing on the latest Ubuntu 11.10
platform showed that the charon daemon did not load the libsimaka,
libtls and libtnccs dynamic strongSwan libraries on behalf of the
libcharon plugins actually using these libraries, resulting in a
failure by the plugins to resolve the symbols exported by these

The cause was the decision by the Ubuntu project to activate the
--as-needed ld option:


With 4.6.1 we reverted to the original strategy to let those
plugins which use libsimaka, libtls and/or libtnccs to load
the corresponding dynamic libraries directly. This left us with
the dilemma that the integrity tests for those plugins failed because
the hash values computed and stored during compilation time
differed from the values after installation because the libraries
were getting relinked by the make install target.

The integrity test was solved by moving the computation
of the hash values to the make install target and to build and
compile checksum.c as the last step after all libraries and the
plugins depending on them are installed in their definite location.

We recommend to all users who have already downloaded and installed
strongSwan 4.6.0 to update to 4.6.1, even if no plugins requiring
libsimaka, libtls or libtnccs are actually used.

W apologize for any inconveniences incurred!


Andreas Steffen                         andreas.stef...@strongswan.org
strongSwan - the Linux VPN Solution!                www.strongswan.org
Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)

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